Title Zastupljenost lutke u dječjem vrtiću
Title (english) The Use of Dolls in Kindergarten
Author Iva Pavešić
Mentor Iva Gruić (mentor)
Committee member Vladimira Velički (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Gruić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Theater Arts (Performing and Media Arts) Puppetry
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Brojne su vrijednosti primjene lutke u odgojno-obrazovnom radu s djecom, od socijalizacije, stvaranja pozitivne slike o sebi i drugima, usvajanja moralnih vrijednosti do cjelokupnog razvoja djeteta. Uz elemente igre lutka ispunjava svakodnevne ciljeve podržavajući cjelokupni razvoj djeteta, a jedini je uvjet primjene lutke odgajateljevo znanje i želja za njezinom primjenom. U radu se upućuje na vrijednosti primjene lutke u svakodnevnom odgojno – obrazovnom radu odgajatelja s djecom od najranije dobi. Istraživanje o zastupljenosti lutke u dječjem vrtiću provedeno je na uzorku od 94 odgajatelja. U svrhu istraživanja izrađen je anketni upitnik koji je sadržavao pitanja zatvorenog i otvorenog tipa. Prvim dijelom upitnika utvrđena je struktura uzorka (spol, dob i radno iskustvo u predškolskoj ustanovi). Drugim dijelom upitnika, koji je sadržavao pitanja zatvorenog tipa, utvrđena je učestalost korištenja lutke u svakodnevnom radu, odnosno koje lutke odgajatelji koriste u radu s djecom, koliko često izvode igrokaze, improvizacije, dramatizacije, pokazuju li djeca interes za takav oblik rada, sudjeluju li djeca u izradi lutaka te ostvaruju li odgajatelji suradnju s roditeljima i drugim odgajateljima. Trećim dijelom upitnika, koji je sadržavao dva pitanja otvorenog tipa, ispitani su načini poticanja sramežljivije i povučenije djece u igrama sa scenskom lutkom te načini razgovora s djecom o lutkama koje koriste. Sukladno rezultatima istraživanja o zastupljenosti lutke u dječjem vrtiću možemo zaključiti kako djeca pokazuju veliki interes za lutke/scenske lutke, za izradu lutaka za igrokaze, za lutkarske igrokaze, dramatizacije umjetničkih tekstova i improvizacije. Usprkos dječjem interesu i dalje je mali broj odgajatelja koji svakodnevno upotrebljavaju lutku u odgojno - obrazovnom radu. Nedovoljno je radionica/edukacija koje bi potaknule odgajatelje da osvijeste važnost korištenja lutke u radu s djecom i koje bi ih educirale na koji način to mogu ostvariti. Provedeno istraživanje upućuje na potrebu sustavnije izobrazbe odgajatelja za primjenu lutke kao metode rada u odgojno - obrazovnoj instituciji.
Abstract (english) There are numerous benefits of using dolls in the educational work with children, from socialization and creation of a positive image of oneself and others to adoption of moral values and the overall development of the child. In addition to its game properties, the doll accomplishes everyday goals by supporting the overall development of the child. The only condition for the puppet’s application is the educator’s knowledge and desire for its application. The paper highlights the benefits of using dolls in the day-to-day educational work with children from their early age. The survey on the use of dolls in kindergarten was carried out on a sample of 94 educators. A survey questionnaire containing open-ended and close-ended questions was designed for the purpose of the survey. The sample structure (sex, age and work experience in preschool institutions) was determined by the first part of the questionnaire. The second part of the questionnaire, which contained close-ended questions, determined the frequency of using dolls in everyday work and what kinds of dolls educators use when working with children, how often they put on a play, an improvisation, a dramatization, whether children are interested in such form of work, whether they participate in the doll making process and whether the educators collaborate with parents and other educators. The third part of the questionnaire, which contained two open-ended questions, was used to explore the methods of encouraging shy and reserved children to play with puppets and the ways of talking to children about the dolls they are using. According to the results of the survey on the use of dolls in kindergarten, it can be concluded that children show great interest in dolls/puppets, in making puppets for plays, in puppet plays, in the dramatization of artistic texts and in improvisations. Despite the children’s interest there are still few educators who use dolls in their everyday educational work. There are not enough workshops/trainings to prompt the educators to realize the importance of using dolls when working with children and to educate them about the ways of doing so. The survey conducted shows the need for a more systematic training of educators for the application of dolls as a working method in educational institutions.
lutka/scenska lutka
predškolsko dijete
dječji vrtić
Keywords (english)
preschool child
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:279778
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-05-02 08:13:44