
Terror and Fear as Paradigmatic Undercurrents of the Contemporary Society in the Works of Shirley Jackson
Terror and Fear as Paradigmatic Undercurrents of the Contemporary Society in the Works of Shirley Jackson
Karla Garčević
In this thesis, feelings of terror and fear as paradigmatic undercurrents of the contemporary society in the works of Shirley Jackson will be explored. The thesis is divided into two main parts: historical background and literary analysis. The first part of the thesis presents Jackson's biography including a timeline of her distinguished novels and short stories. It also explains the development of horror as a genre from Ancient Greece and Rome until today and describes characteristics of...
Teško odgojiva djeca
Teško odgojiva djeca
Mateja Vitez
U 21. stoljeću sve češće susreće se pojam teško odgojivog djeteta, djeteta koje na neki način odstupa od većine djece svoje razvojne dobi. Pritom se misli na dijete koje ima određenih poteškoća u svakodnevnom funkcioniranju i ostvarivanju socijalnih interakcija. Sve se češće pojavljuje problem agresivnog i nasilnog ponašanja djece, razvoj poremećaja depresije kod djeteta, multifrenost te razdražljivost djeteta, sve više je djece koja imaju problema u koncentraciji ili pak...
Teškoće u komunikaciji između odgojitelja i roditelja
Teškoće u komunikaciji između odgojitelja i roditelja
Nera Šeketa
Neosporna je činjenica da je komunikacija u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu iznimno važna. To podrazumijeva kvalitetnu komunikaciju između odgojitelja i djece, odgojitelja i stručnog tima, odgojitelja i roditelja, tj. između svih članova odgojno obrazovne zajednice. U ovom radu ću prikazati važnost kvalitetne verbalne i neverbalne komunikacije. Također ću prikazati teškoće i sukobe s kojima se odgojitelji mogu susresti u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji s roditeljima. Značajka komunikacije...
Teškoće u računanju
Teškoće u računanju
Matea Pralas
U početnoj nastavi matematike mogu se detektirati teškoće u računanju. Teškoće mogu biti posljedica mnogih faktora, a često se javlja međudjelovanje različitih teškoća ili su povezane s drugim specifičnim teškoćama, kao što je primjerice disleksija. U prvome razredu osnovne škole kod učenika se mogu javiti teškoće u usvajanju pojma broja, zbrajanju i oduzimanju do 10, shvaćanju mjesne vrijednosti te u zbrajanju i oduzimanju brojeva do 20, posebice s prijelazom desetice. U...
Teškoće u čitanju i pisanju kod učenika mlađe školske dobi
Teškoće u čitanju i pisanju kod učenika mlađe školske dobi
Nikolina Međimorec
Čitanje i pisanje su jezične djelatnosti koje se sustavno provode od početka osnovnoškolske izobrazbe, a početak njihova usvajanja započinje još u predškolskoj dobi poticanjem jezičnih djelatnosti slušanja i govorenja te razvojem predčitačkih vještina. Zbog složenosti procesa čitanja i pisanja kod nekih se učenika javljaju teškoće pri ovladavanju tim jezičnim djelatnostima. Budući da je pisanje složenija aktivnost, više učenika pokazuje teškoće u tome području....
The ''Teddy Bear'' Project - Developing Intercultural Communication Competence through eTwinning
The ''Teddy Bear'' Project - Developing Intercultural Communication Competence through eTwinning
Lucija Kordić
Learning English as a foreign language early in life is almost impossible to escape in this day and age of advanced technology and globalization, especially if an individual aspires to achieve academic and professional success. Due to the constant rise of English language usage around the world, children have to learn the basics of the foreign language and acquire elementary competences early in life in order to be prepared for potential future challenges. To improve the existing curriculum,...
The Attitude of Elementary School Students Toward Translating in EFL Class
The Attitude of Elementary School Students Toward Translating in EFL Class
Dunja Markovinović
This paper covers the topic of translation in primary school ESL classes and students’ attitudes towards it. Translation in language learning classes is sometimes a controversial topic. The first association to translation in language learning classes can be the grammar-translation method, which used to be the dominant method of teaching languages. Because of that, an aversion toward translation in ESL classes has spread among English teachers. However, translation activities used in ESL...
The Awakening and Fahrenheit 451 - an Archetypal Comparative Analysis
The Awakening and Fahrenheit 451 - an Archetypal Comparative Analysis
Ana Pilat
This thesis presents a comparative analysis of two novels – Fahrenheit 451 by author Ray Bradbury and The Awakening by author Kate Chopin – using the archetypal literary criticism approach. The approach is based on the theory of the psyche of the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. The first part of this thesis will delineate the basic concepts of his proposed topography of the mind, namely that of the conscious, personal unconscious, and collective unconscious layers. As...
The Child Chimney Sweep in English Children’s Literature
The Child Chimney Sweep in English Children’s Literature
Helena Horžić
Although we now consider child labour to be inhuman and cruel, it was standard practice during the 18th century, especially when the Industrial Revolution (approximately 1760–1840) on the British island created an increased need for workers. Among numerous occupations for children, probably the most interesting and intriguing was chimney sweeping, which required children to enter chimneys and manually clean them. The need for protecting children’s rights was quickly recognized, but...
The Croatian Translation of Eragon
The Croatian Translation of Eragon
Veronika Javor
Translating can be defined as expressing messages of the original work in a different language. The field of research of translations of children’s literature has developed in the last decades, based on Translation Studies and on children’s literature research. This thesis focuses on the Croatian translation of the novel Eragon by Christopher Paolini (2003, translated in 2004) and on the translator’s decisions which influence the original message of the novel as it is conveyed to the...
The Education of Women in the United Kingdom from the 1944 Education Act to the End of the 20th Century
The Education of Women in the United Kingdom from the 1944 Education Act to the End of the 20th Century
Đurđica Hibler
The goal of this thesis is to discover and describe what education looked like for women in the United Kingdom in the period from the Education Act in 1944 to the end of the 20th century, and to identify the effects on women’s education. The education system in the United Kingdom of that time and of modern time are explained and taken as the basis for understanding the events happening in education in the second half of the 20th century. The 1944 Education Act is taken as a starting...
The Helen Doron Method in Teaching Young Learners
The Helen Doron Method in Teaching Young Learners
Ida Šagovac
The aim of this thesis is to present the Helen Doron Early English method of teaching English to children aged from three and a half months to nineteen years of age. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part of the paper contains a theoretical overview of methods, methodologists, psychologists, teachers and educational experts such as S. Suzuki, M. Montessori, G. Lozanov or G. Doman, who greatly influenced the creation of the Helen Doron Early English method. Also, the first part...
