Sažetak | Igra je za dijete najvažniji dio djetinjstva. Iako postoji više različitih definicija igre, najvažnija je činjenica da djeca u igri usvajaju vještine, učvršćuju znanja te isprobavaju mogućnosti svojeg djelovanja na sve što ih okružuje. Također, igra utječe na djetetov motorički, emocionalni, socijalni i kognitivni razvoj. Važnost igre prepoznata je još u doba antike. Djeca su se već tada igrala lutkama. Lutke (dramsko-scenske i lutke igračke) utječu na dječju sliku o sebi, samostalnost te na socijalne vještine. Igra lutkama potiče rješavanje sukoba te utječe na zadovoljenje dječjih potreba. Svijet lutkarstva u kojem se koriste dramsko-scenske lutke poput marioneta, ginjola, lutka sjena i ostalih, spaja više umjetnosti u jednu. Djeca uključena u ovaj svijet uče mnogo o plesu, pjesmi i glumi – što ih obogaćuje. Lutke su od velike koristi i u psihoterapiji jer su svojevrsni most između odraslog i dječjeg svijeta. Djeca vole lutke i njima se lakše i brže povjere nego odrasloj osobi. Lutke postoje od davnina. Nekada su se izrađivale od drvenih palica, kostiju, porculana, a danas je najčešće korišteni materijal plastika. Danas se za igru koriste lutke bebe, Barbie lutke, Winx lutke, Monster High i ostale. Djeca u igri surađuju jedna s drugima te uče jedni od drugih. Često oponašaju jedni druge u vrtiću, a još češće oponašaju situacije koje vide kod kuće. U igri lutkom djeca uče sebi bitne stvari primjerice kako zakopčavati gumbe, obuti tenisice, češljati kosu. Moderne lutke potiču uključenost i prihvaćanje različitosti među djecom. Djeca uče prihvatiti različitosti s kojima će se zasigurno susresti u životu, a lutke prenose poruku kako, iako različiti, svi vrijede jednako. Zato je golema važnost lutke neupitna. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Play is the most important part of childhood for a child. Although there are several different definitions of the game, the most important part of play is that children adopt skills, strengthen knowledge, and test the possibilities of their actions on everything around them during playtime. Also, play affects the child’s motor, emotional, social and cognitive development. The importance of play was recognized as early as the age of antiquity. The children were already playing with dolls at the time. Dolls (puppets and toy dolls) affect children's self-image, independence and social skills. Playing with dolls encourages conflict resolution and affects the satisfaction of children’s needs. A world of puppetry in which dramatic-stage dolls like puppets, ginjols, shadow puppets and others are used, combines more art into one. Children involved in this world learn a lot about dance, song and acting – which enriches them. Dolls are also of great use in psychotherapy because they are a connection (bridge) between the adult and children's worlds. Children love dolls and trust them more easily and faster than an adult. Dolls have existed since ancient times. They used to be made of wooden sticks, bones, porcelain, and today the most commonly used material is plastic. Today, baby dolls, Barbie dolls, Winx dolls, Monster High and others are used for playing. The children playing collaborate with each other and learn from each other. They often imitate each other in kindergarten, and even more often mimic the situations they see at home. In a doll play, children learn important things for themselves, for example, how to fasten buttons, put on sneakers or comb their hair. Modern puppets encourage the involvement and acceptance of diversity among children. Children learn to accept the diversity they are sure to encounter in life, and dolls convey the message that, although different, they are all worth equally. That is why the immense importance of the doll is unquestionable. |