Abstract | Slikovnica kao prva knjiga djeteta ima važnu ulogu u njihovim životima. Zbog toga je potrebno obratiti pažnju na njihovo oblikovanje, bez obzira radi li se za djecu ili od strane djece. U prvom dijelu rada obrađuje se teorijski aspekt slikovnice. Najjednostavnije rečeno, slikovnica je prva knjiga djeteta. Povijesni pregled hrvatske i svjetske slikovnice pratimo od 16. stoljeća do modernih multimedijskih slikovnica. Svaku slikovnicu možemo klasificirati po: vrsti, obliku, sadržaju, strukturi izlaganja, prema sadržaju, tehnici i sudjelovanju recipijenata. Slikovnice imaju odgojno-obrazovnu ulogu. Iz toga je razloga neophodno, osobito za sudionike u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu, znati funkcije slikovnice. One su sljedeće: odgojna, spoznajna, iskustvena, estetska i zabavna funkcija. U radu navodimo način kako odrasli mogu prepoznati kvalitetu slikovnice. Također, navodimo kako je prezentirati djeci (ili obraditi s djecom). U drugom dijelu rada se iznosi tijek praktičnog oblikovanja slikovnice u radu s djecom u okviru likovnih aktivnosti. Slikovnica je nastala kao samostalni dječji projektni rad. Djeca su kreatori priče, ilustracija, teksta napisanog na ilustracijama, korica, također, oni sami uvezuju slikovnicu. Praktični dio podijeljen je na smislene cjeline koje su se provodile u radu s djecom. Projektni rad proveden je po fazama koje prate logički slijed. Izbor problema - faza učenja gdje pratimo koliko djeca poznaju slikovnice. Zajedničko planiranje - faza igre unutar kojih djeca smišljaju tekst priče. Izvođenje pojedinačnih zadataka - stvaralačka faza se sastojala od likovnih radionica i izrađivanja slikovnice te provjera rješenja - faza vrjednovanja u kojoj rezimiramo projekt. Iz provedenog projekta zaključujemo da su djeca zainteresirana za likovni, grupni, stvaralački, književno-umjetnički i jezični rad. |
Abstract (english) | A picture book, as a child's first book, has an important role in their lives. This is why special attention should be directed into making picture books, regardless whether it is being created for children or by children. The first part of this dissertation covers the theoretical aspects of picture books. Picture books can be defined in many ways, the simplest definition being calling it a child's first book. Historically, both in Croatia and the rest of the world, picture books can be followed from 16th century all the way to modern picture books using multimedia. Each picture book can be classified according to shape, content, structure of story telling, technique and participation of recipients. Picture books have an educational role and that is why it is important, especially for professionals in education, to recognize all its functions. They are: educational, cognitive, esthetic and entertaining. This disseration also mentions how adults can recognize the quality of picture books and how to read a picture book together, through dialogue. The second part of this dissertation covers the course of practical shaping of a picture book in collaboration with children. Our picture book was entirely created by children. The children came u with the story, they created all the illustrations, the text accompanying the illustrations, the covers and the book binding. In order to create this picture book, a project was conceived: the creation of the picture book was carried out in stages. The practical part was divided into segments that were carried out through work with children. The project was carried out in stages that follow logical succession: choosing the problem - the learning phase where we keep track of the children's knowledge about picture books, planning the story book together - the game phase where the children devise the text for the story, carrying out individual tasks - the productive phase which consisted of art workshops and the production of the picture book, the review of the project - the phase of evaluation in which the project is wrapped up. The conclusion of the carried out project is that children are interested in artistic, group, creative, literary and linguistic work. |