Abstract | Tema ovog rada je poticajno okruženje djece rane dobi u krugu obitelji i u odgojno obrazovnoj
instituciji te važnost suradnje koja je u interesu djeteta. S obitelji dijete uspostavlja prvi socijalni
kontakt. Socijalni uvjeti okruženja su poticajni kada između djeteta i obitelji postoji povjerenje,
sigurna privrženost i poštovanje, afirmativna, otvorena i dvosmjerna komunikacija. Za
poticajno okruženje u obitelji je nužna ljubav i pažnja, a kroz autoritarni stil roditeljstva djetetu
je pružena toplina, ali i kontrola kako bi djeca odrasla u neovisne, sretne, društveno i osobno
ispunjene i odgovorne osobe. Tu je i neizostavno prostorno-materijalno okruženje koje
određuje kvalitetu življenja, odgoja i učenja. U suvremenom društvu velik broj djece
predškolske dobi ne nalazi se samo u okruženju obitelji već i u odgojno obrazovnim
ustanovama. Institucija za rani i predškolski odgoj sve više predstavlja djetetov životni prostor
stoga je potrebno i vrtićko okruženje pretvoriti u poticajno okruženje za djecu. U sklopu
vrtićkog okruženja spominje se socio-pedagoška koja obuhvaća interakciju s odgojiteljima,
vršnjacima i ostalim djelatnicima vrtića, prostorna koja se odnosi na raspored, strukturu i
organizaciju prostora, opreme i materijala i vremenska dimenzija u kojem se ističe sloboda,
fleksibilnost i individualizacija vremena prema humanističkoj koncepciji. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this paper is the stimulating environment of young children in the family circle and
in the educational institution as well as the importance of cooperation that is in the best interests
of the child. The child establishes the first social contact with the family. The social conditions
of the environment are stimulating when there is trust between the child and the family, secure
attachment and respect, affirmative, open and two-way communication. Love and attention are
necessary for a stimulating environment in the family, and through the authoritarian style of
parenting the child is given warmth, but also control so that children grow into independent,
happy, socially and personally fulfilled and responsible people. There is also the inevitable
spatial-material environment that determines the quality of life, upbringing and learning. In
modern society, a large number of preschool children are not only in the family environment
but also in educational institutions. The institution for early and preschool education
increasingly represents the child's living space, so it is necessary to turn the kindergarten
environment into a stimulating environment for children. Within the kindergarten environment,
socio-pedagogical is mentioned, which includes interaction with educators, peers and other
kindergarten staff, spatial, which refers to the layout, structure and organization of space,
equipment and materials, and the time dimension, which emphasizes freedom, flexibility and
individualization of time according to humanistic conception. |