Abstract | Slikovnica je vrlo važan segment u životu svakog pojedinca jer predstavlja prvi dodir s knjigama. U pravilu se koristi za uzrast od rođenja djeteta pa sve do drugog razreda osnovne škole. Postoji mnogo vrsta slikovnica i razna mjerila prema kojima se slikovnice mogu podijeliti. Jedno od tih mjerila je odnos količine teksta, odnosno riječi i slike. Tako je prva podjela na čiste i piktografske slikovnice te na slikovnice s minimalnim udjelom teksta i slikovnice s više teksta.
Slikovnice se također mogu dijeliti i prema obliku slikovnice pa tako razlikujemo slikovnicu-igračku i nepoderivu slikovnicu, interaktivne ili pop-up slikovnice te multimedijske slikovnice. Prema sadržaju dijele se na spoznajne, umjetničke ili poetske i problemske. Spoznajne sadrže svakodnevne teme poput životinja, predmeta ili igara. Njihov je cilj pomoći djetetu upoznati okolinu, čime se ljudi bave i proširiti vokabular.
Postoji više funkcija slikovnica, a to su informacijsko-odgojna, spoznajna, iskustvena, estetska i zabavna. Riječ ilustracija dolazi od latinske riječi illustris što znači osvijetljen, svijetao sjajan, jasan i znamenit. Ilustracije su izrazito bitan segment slikovnica jer mogu nadopunjavati priču. Osim toga, produbljuju književnu misao, mogu dati novo značenje slikovnici, oslobađaju maštu te doprinose estetskom odgoju i razvoju likovnog stvaralaštva.
Ilustracije su dobra podloga za prikazivanje emocija, a one se prenose bojama, linijama i raznim stilovima. Pobuđuju uzbuđenje i želju za aktivnim čitanjem slikovnice. Problemska slikovnica moderna je slikovnica koja se bavi temama svakodnevnih problemskih situacija djece poput različitih emocija, zdravlja, ponašanja, odnosa u obitelji u društvu i rješavanja problema u kojima se nađu. Za takav tip slikovnice ne postoje tabu-teme.
Problemske slikovnice o emocijama najčešće su apstraktnog stila. Jednostavnost i maštovitost jedno su od obilježja apstraktnog stila. Naglasak je na boji i formi ilustracije kao i naivnom stilu. Naivan stil karakterističan je zbog svoje dvodimenzionalnosti i doima se dječjim u izvedbi. |
Abstract (english) | The picture book is a very important segment in the life of every individual because it represents the first contact with books. As a rule, it is used for the age from the birth of a child until the second grade of primary school. There are many types of picture books and various criteria by which picture books can be divided. One of these measures is the ratio of the amount of text, ie words and images. Thus, the first division is into pure and pictographic picture books and into picture books with a minimum share of text and picture books with more text.
Picture books can also be divided according to the shape of the picture book, so we distinguish between a toy picture and a non-tear picture book, interactive or pop up picture books and multimedia picture books. According to the content, they are divided into cognitive, artistic or poetic and problematic. Cognitive ones contain everyday topics such as animals, objects or games. Their goal is to help the child get to know the environment, what people are doing and expand their vocabulary.
There are several functions of picture books, and they are information-educational, cognitive, experiential, aesthetic and fun. The word illustration comes from the Latin word illustris which means illuminated, bright shining, clear and remarkable. They are a very important segment of picture books because they can complement the story. In addition, they deepen literary thought, can give new meaning to picture books, free the imagination and contribute to the aesthetic education and development of art.
Illustrations are a good basis for showing emotions, and they are conveyed by colors, lines and various styles and arouse excitement and the desire to actively read the picture book. Problem picture book is a modern picture book that deals with topics of everyday problem situations of children such as different emotions, health, behavior, family relationships in society and solving problems in which they find themselves, and for this type of picture book there are no taboo topics.
Problem picture books about emotions are most often abstract style in which simplicity, imagination and emphasis on color and form of illustration are very recognizable, as well as naive style which is characteristic due to its two-dimensionality and looks childish in performance. |