Abstract | Igra je temeljna aktivnost svakog djeteta. Osim što je glavno sredstvo zabave, ona ima i svojih puno važnijih uloga već od samog početka djetetova života. Možemo ju sagledavati kroz spoznajnu i društvenu razinu. Kroz igru dijete upoznaje svijet koji ga okružuje, ali prvenstveno, igra doprinosi djetetovu razvoju u svim područjima. Djetetov razvoj pratimo kroz razvoj motorike, razvoj spoznaje, razvoj govora, emocionalni i socijalni razvoj, razvoj igre, razvoj likovnih te razvoj glazbenih sposobnosti. Važno je naglasiti da su sva područja razvoja jednako bitna, te na njih, osim bioloških nasljednih čimbenika, uvelike utječe i djetetova okolina, prvenstveno roditelji i odgajatelji. Kroz razne igre građenja, igre pretvaranja, natjecateljske, društvene igre i igre s pravilima koje su primjerene dobi, stupnju razvoja i interesu djece, razvija se i raste djetetov stupanj razvoja, njegova kreativnost, spretnost, preciznost te mnoge druge sposobnosti. Kroz igru dijete postaje svjesno sama sebe, ali i svoje okoline. Tokom igre dijete iskušava i testira vlastite sposobnosti, ponavljajući ih, ono usavršava postojeće i uči nove. Veliku ulogu u djetetovu razvoju imaju roditelji ili odgojitelji koji moraju djetetu osigurati dovoljno vremena za igru, adekvatno opremljene prostore i igračke koje će povoljno utjecati na djetetov razvoj. U djetetovu igru i odrasli moraju biti aktivno uključeni, poticati ga i podržavati u njegovoj kreativnosti, a nikako ne sputavati. Sve navedeno pridonijeti će pravilnom razvoju i djetetu omogućiti da se razvije u motorički spretnu i sposobnu, socioemocionalno kompetentnu i društvenu osobu koja će napredovanje svojih sposobnosti nastaviti i dalje kroz život. |
Abstract (english) | Play is a basic activity of every child. Besides being the mail source of entertainment, it has many more important roles since the very beginning of a child's life. We can look at it through cognitive and social level. Through play, a child meets the world surrounding them, but primarily, it contributes to a child's development in all areas. Child's development is monitored through motor development, cognitive development, speech development, emotional and social development, play development, artistic and musical development. It is important to stress that every area is equally important. Besides biological hereditary factors, these areas are influenced by a child's surrounding, primarily parents and educators. Through various building games, pretending games, competitive, social games and games with rules that are appropriate for their age, development level and children's interests, what is developed is the following - their development level, creativity, skillfulness, precision and many other abilities. Through play, a child becomes aware of themselves, but also of their surroundings. During play time, a child tries and tests their abilities, and by repeating them, the child improves the existing ones and learns new ones. Parents and educators have a major role in a child's development and they have to ensure that the child has enough time for play, a well-equipped space and toys that will influence their lives favourably. Adults have to be actively involved in a child's play, they have to encourage them and support them in their creativity, and not hold them back. All of the above mentioned will contribute to appropriate development and it will enable the child to develop into a motor skillful and capable, socioemotional competent and social person that will continue to improve their abilities throughout their lives. |