Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je objasniti pojam igre, naglasiti njezinu važnost, te prikazati i usporediti spontane igre koje djeca igraju ovisno o tome odrastaju li u urbanoj ili ruralnoj sredini. Dječja igra urođena je instinktivna potreba koja djetetu pomaže razumjeti svijet u kojem živi, ali i potiče njegov cjelokupan razvoj. Igra ima pozitivne učinke na kognitivni, tjelesni, socijalni i emocionalni razvoj djeteta. Također, djetetu pruža mogućnost da se bavi tjelesnom aktivnošću koja pozitivno utječe na zdravlje. Način na koji će se djeca igrati uvelike ovisi o njihovoj životnoj sredini, kulturi i načinu na koji odrastaju. Nekada je razlika između igara urbanih i ruralnih sredina bila puno veća jer se život u gradu uvelike razlikovao od života na selu. Djeca urbanih sredina imala su više prilika za igru i igračke su im bile dostupnije, dok su djeca ruralnih sredina imala mnoštvo obaveza u kući i na polju, pa nisu imala vremena za igru, a zbog siromaštva kupovina igračaka nije bila moguća. Igrali su se uglavnom onda kada su vodili životinje na pašu, na pašnjacima, s onime što su tamo našli. Industrijalizacijom i modernizacijom, razlike između života urbanih i ruralnih sredina sve su manje, pa su tako i igre koja djeca igraju sličnije. Uglavnom ne postoje značajne statističke razlike u igrama koje djeca igraju, najčešće su to sportske aktivnosti poput nogometa ili odbojke, lovice ili skrivača, ali igra na spravama poput tobogana ili trampolina češća je kod djece ruralne sredine jer im je dostupnija. Naime, djeca ruralnih sredina imaju mogućnost igrati se u dvorištu, pa je to njihov pretežit odabir. U dvorištu obično imaju trampoline i ostale sprave pa se često zabavljaju na njima. Djeca urbanih sredina koja žive u zgradama nemaju tu mogućnost pa odlaze u parkove i na igralište. Pojavom tehnologije koja je sveprisutna, dječja igra u zatvorenom sve je rjeđa, već najčešća biraju sjediti pred ekranima i ući u virtualni svijet, bez obzira na mjesto odrastanja. Bili iz urbane ili ruralne sredine, od izrazite važnosti je poticati i motivirati djecu na igranje, jer ono, za razliku od sjedenja pred televizijom ili kompjuterom, ima mnoge pozitivne učinke. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper was to explain the concept of play, emphasize its importance, and present and compare spontaneous games that children play depending on whether they grow up in an urban or rural environment. Children's play is an innate instinctive need that helps the children understand the world in which they live, but also encourages their overall development. Play has positive effects on a child's cognitive, physical, social and emotional development. It also gives the child the opportunity to engage in physical activity that has a positive effect on health. The way children play will largely depend on their environment, culture and the way they grow up. In the past, the difference between the plays of urban and rural areas was much bigger because life in the city was very different from life in the countryside. Children from urban areas had more opportunities to play and toys were more accessible to them, while children from rural areas had many responsibilities at home and in the field, so they did not have time to play, and due to poverty it was not possible to buy toys. They played mostly when they took the animals to pasture, on pastures, with what they found there. With industrialization and modernization, the differences between the lives of urban and rural areas are getting smaller, so the games that children play are more similar. Mostly, there are no significant statistical differences in the games children play, most often they choose sports activities such as football or volleyball, or hunting or hide-and-seek. But, playing on playground equipment, such as slide or trampoline is more common among children from rural area because it is more accessible to them. Namely, children from rural areas have the opportunity to play in the yard, so it is their predominant choice. They usually have trampolines and other devices in the yard, so they often have fun on them. Children from urban areas who live in buildings do not have this option, so they go to parks and playgrounds. With the advent of ubiquitous technology, indoor children's play is becoming less common, but most often they choose to sit in front of screens and enter the virtual world, regardless of where they grew up. Whether they are from an urban or rural environment, it is extremely important to encourage and motivate children to play, because, unlike sitting in front of a television or computer, it has many positive effects. |