Title Malešnice i razvoj fonološke svijesti
Title (english) Nursery Rhymes and Phonological Awereness
Author Kristina Klabučar
Mentor Smiljana Narančić-Kovač (mentor)
Mentor Silvija Hanžić Deda (sumentor)
Committee member Ivana Milković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Smiljana Narančić-Kovač (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Silvija Hanžić Deda (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Phonetics
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract U ovom se radu govori o povezanosti malešnica s razvojem fonološke svijesti predškolske djece. Prvi je dio posvećen teorijskim spoznajama vezanima uz malešnice, rani govorno-jezični razvoj i fonološku svijest, dok je drugi dio istraživački.
Fonološka svijest često se istražuje u kontekstu govorno-jezičnoga razvoja u ranoj dječjoj dobi. Za razvoj fonološke svijesti važna je sposobnost razdiobe riječi na manje jedinice ˗ slogove, prepoznavanje rime i dijeljenje riječi na foneme. Dokazano je da malešnice obiluju poticajima koji djeci omogućuju razvoj tih sposobnosti, i to spontano kroz igru. Malešnice su pučke dječje pjesmice koje postoje u svim jezicima, a prenose se usmenim putem. Imaju karakteristike igara u kojima dijete aktivno sudjeluje, pri čemu usvaja materinski jezik i kulturu. Istraživanja pokazuju da se primjenom malešnica potiče razvoj fonološke svijesti koja je jedan od temeljnih preduvjeta za početak ovladavanja čitanjem.
Glavni je cilj ovoga rada ispitati percepciju odgojitelja predškolske djece i studenata Ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja o ulozi malešnica u govorno-jezičnom razvoju djece te njihovu upoznatost s ključnim pojmovima, stručnom literaturom i obrazovnim materijalima. Za potrebe istraživanja izrađen je upitnik kojemu su ispitanici pristupili putem poveznice. Rezultati ukazuju na relativno dobru upoznatost ispitanika s pojmovima fonološka svijest i malešnice. Većina se služi malešnicama u svakodnevnom radu, no svjesni su potrebe za intenzivnijom primjenom malešnica kako bi se potaknuo pravilan govorno-jezični razvoj djece. Dio ispitanika uviđa potrebu za intenzivnijim didaktičko-metodičkim osposobljavanjem tijekom studija i putem stručnih usavršavanja za zaposlene odgojitelje. Zbirke malešnica nisu jednako dostupne svim ispitanicima i stoga se neki umrežuju i međusobno dijele nastavne materijale.
Abstract (english) This paper focuses on the connection between nursery rhymes and the development of phonological awareness in preschool children. The first part is dedicated to theoretical knowledge related to early speech-language development, phonological awareness and nursery rhymes, while the second part is research.
Phonological awareness is often investigated in the context of speech-language development in early childhood. For the development of phonological awareness, the ability to divide words into smaller units - syllables, recognize rhymes and divide words into phonemes is important. It has been proven that nursery rhymes are full of incentives that enable children to develop these abilities spontaneously through play. Nursery rhymes are children’s verses, mostly of anonymous origin, that exist in every language and are transmitted orally. They have the characteristics of games in which the child actively participates, adopting the native language and culture. Research has shown that the use of nursery rhymes encourages the development of phonological awareness, which is one of the basic prerequisites for reading abilities in further stages of cognitive development.
The main goal of this thesis is to examine the perception of pre-school teachers and students of Early and Pre-School Education about the role of nursery rhymes in children's speech and language development and their familiarity with key concepts, professional literature and educational materials. For the purposes of this study, a questionnaire was created, which the participants accessed by a link. The results indicate a relatively high familiarity of the participants with the terms phonological awareness and nursery rhymes. Most of them use nursery rhymes in their daily work, but they are aware of the need for a more intensive use of these verses and songs in order to encourage the proper speech and language development of children. Some of the participants see the need for a more intensive didactic training during their studies and through professional training for employed educators. Collections of nursery rhymes are not equally accessible to all respondents so they share materials with each other.
fonološka svijest
govorno-jezični razvoj
rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje
Keywords (english)
development of speech
nursery rhymes
phonological awareness
preschool education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:190361
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-02-22 07:19:05