Title Glazbeni projekt ''Obitelj je ljubav''
Title (english) Music Project ''Family is Love''
Author Nina Franulović
Mentor Diana Atanasov-Piljek (mentor)
Committee member Dubravko Fiolić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Borna Nemet (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Atanasov-Piljek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Art of Music Music Education
Abstract Glazba je umjetnost kojom je čovjek okružen cijeli život. Djeca spontano reagiraju na glazbu, ona pjevaju, plešu, sviraju, igraju se uz glazbu te u njoj nesvjesno uživaju. Odrasli svakodnevno konzumiraju glazbu te putem nje najčešće iskazuju svoje emocije.
Ideja projekta Obitelj je ljubav bila je prikazati kako učenici, polaznici izvannastavne glazbene aktivnosti Mali zbor u Osnovnoj školi Nikole Tesle sa svojim roditeljima, braćom i sestrama žive glazbu i kroz glazbu se ujedinjuju i pokazuju svoju međusobnu ljubav. Obitelj je prva zajednica u kojoj dijete živi, razvija se i odrasta. Obiteljsko okružje značajno utječe na izgradnju karaktera, sklonosti i preferencija koje se oblikuju tijekom djetinjstva i adolescencije. U roditeljskom domu pokazuju se i prenose emocije. Kroz glazbu se mogu izreći mnoge emocije, a najčešće opjevana je ljubav. Zdravlje fiziološkog sluha, kontinuirani rad na razvoju glazbenog sluha i učiteljev pristup sposobnosti pjevanja u glazbenoj nastavi, bitni su činitelji glazbenog napretka djeteta. Učitelji i odgojitelji imaju veliku ulogu u stvaranju učenikove slike o sebi i poticanju učenikova samopouzdanja. Sudjelovanjem u izvannastavnoj glazbenoj aktivnosti dječji pjevački zbor, učenici pobjeđuju strah od javnog nastupa, šire svoja poznanstva, poboljšavaju socijalne vještine kao i pjevačke te glazbene sposobnosti.
Projekt Obitelj je ljubav prikazuje tradicionalne obiteljske vrijednosti izražene glazbom. Rezultat provedenog projekta je glazbeno – scenska predstava na kojoj su nastupali učenici i njihovi roditelji te predstavili svoj zajednički rad koji je podrazumijevao zajedničko planiranje i uvježbavanje njihovih glazbenih točaka.
Abstract (english) Music is an art that surrounds a person's entire life. Children spontaneously react to music, singing, dancing, playing instruments, and unconsciously enjoying it. Adults consume music daily and often express their emotions through it.
The idea of the "Family is Love" project was to showcase how students, participants in the extracurricular music activity "Mali zbor" (Little Choir) at Nikola Tesla Elementary School, live music with their parents, siblings, and relatives, uniting and demonstrating their mutual love through music. The family is the first community in which a child lives, develops, and grows. The family environment significantly influences the formation of character, inclinations, and preferences that shape during childhood and adolescence. Emotions are expressed and transmitted within the parental home. Many emotions can be expressed through music, with love being the most commonly sung about. The health of physiological hearing, continuous work on the development of musical hearing, and the teacher's approach to singing ability in music education are crucial factors in a child's musical progress. Teachers and educators play a significant role in shaping a student's self-image and fostering their self-confidence. By participating in extracurricular music activities such as a children's choir, students overcome their fear of public performance, expand their social circle, improve their social skills, and enhance their singing and musical abilities.
The "Family is Love" project showcases traditional family values expressed through music. The result of the implemented project is a music and stage performance in which students and their parents performed, presenting their collaborative work that involved joint planning and rehearsing of their musical pieces.
glazbeni projekt
glazbeno-scenska predstava
Keywords (english)
music project
music and stage performance
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:897036
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-18 11:32:22