Title Pripovijedanje kao izvedbena tehnika
Title (english) Storytelling as a performance technique
Author Mia Bartulović
Mentor Maša Rimac Jurinović (mentor)
Committee member Željka Knežević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Katarina Aladrović Slovaček (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maša Rimac Jurinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Abstract Svrha ovog diplomskog rada bila je stvaranje teorijske podloge za provođenje pripovijedanja u razredu. Rad ne sadrži istraživački dio jer je potreban duži vremenski okvir u kojem bi se provodilo pripovijedanje u razredu, kako bi se uspjeli vidjeti rezultati i pozitivne strane pripovijedanje s učenicima. Analiza stručne literature i sumiranje raznih autora je teorijsko i povijesno objasnila pojam pripovijedanja. Za stvaranje teorijskog okvira pripovijedanja, bilo je potrebno razgraničiti i jasno odrediti pojmove koji se u često u svakodnevici poistovjećuju i svrstavaju u kategoriju sinonima, termini poput pričanje, prepričavanje, priča, pripovijest i pripovijetke. Promatrajući povijest teorijskog određenja pripovijedanja, različiti autori su imali svoje poglede na svijet te je bilo važno jasno odrediti i naglasiti stav prema pripovijedanju svakog navedenog teoretičara. Priča, pripovijest i pripovijetka su termini koji se u svakodnevnog govorom jasno ne razlikuju, a za razumijevanje daljnjeg rada, značajno je istaknuti razliku između ta tri pojma. Nastanak ljudske povijest povezan je s pričom, otkad postoji čovjek, od tad postoji i pripovijedanje. U radu su detaljno opisani i dočarani počeci pripovijedanja i načini na koji su naši preci izvodili pripovijedanje. Pripovijedanje priča je nešto što prati čovjeka od početka njegova života, pa sve do njegove smrti, to je nešto što čini dio njegove svakodnevice te je u radu objedinjena važnost i posebnost pripovijedanja u životu odraslih i djece. Termin pripovijedanja je kao pojam prisutan u književnosti i dramskom izražavanju. U ovom radu naglasak je stavljen na samu izvedbu pripovijedanja, odnosno načine na koje možemo i trebamo provoditi pripovijedanje u razredu. U radu su objašnjeni ključni segmenti na koje trebamo pripaziti kada kreiramo pripovijedanje u razredu. Važan element procesa pripovijedanja je pripovjedač/izvođač te je stoga važno znati ključne karakteristike nas kao pripovjedača. Kraj ovog rada obuhvaća teorijski pregled literature i stvaranje teorijske podloge za provođenje pripovijedanja u razredu. Detaljnije su objašnjeni načini na koje bismo trebali pristupati s učenicima prilikom pripovijedanje te na što bi se trebali usredotočiti prvi sati pripovijedanja. Na kraju rada je objašnjen moj stav prema pripovijedanju i njegovoj važnosti koja je proizašla iz teorije, što ću moći potkrijepiti kada uđem u nastavni proces.
Abstract (english) The purpose of this master's thesis was to create a theoretical foundation for conducting storytelling in the classroom. The thesis does not include a research component because a longer timeframe would be needed to carry out storytelling in the classroom in order to observe results and the positive aspects of storytelling with students. The analysis of professional literature and the synthesis of various authors provided a theoretical and historical explanation of the concept of storytelling. In order to establish a theoretical framework for storytelling, it was necessary to differentiate and clearly define terms that are often equated and categorized as synonyms in everyday language, such as telling, retelling, story, narrative, and short stories. Examining the history of the theoretical determination of storytelling, different authors had their own worldviews, so it was important to clearly determine and emphasise the stance of each mentioned theorist regarding storytelling. Story, narrative, and short story are terms that are not clearly distinguishable in everyday speech, but it is important to highlight the difference between these three concepts for the understanding of the further work. The emergence of human history is connected with storytelling; as long as there have been people, storytelling has existed. The thesis provides a detailed description and depiction of the beginnings of storytelling and the ways in which our ancestors engaged in storytelling. Storytelling is something that accompanies a person from the beginning of their life until their death; it is an integral part of their everyday life. The importance and uniqueness of storytelling in the lives of adults and children are unified in the thesis. The term storytelling is present in literature and dramatic expression. This thesis emphasises the execution of storytelling, specifically the methods by which we can and should implement storytelling in the classroom. The thesis explains the key aspects to consider when creating storytelling in the classroom. An important element of the storytelling process is the narrator/performer, so it is crucial to understand the key characteristics of ourselves as storytellers. The end of this thesis includes a theoretical review of the literature and the establishment of a theoretical foundation for implementing storytelling in the classroom. It provides a detailed explanation of the approaches we should take with students during storytelling and what we should focus on during the initial storytelling sessions. The end of the thesis explains my personal stance on storytelling and its importance, which is derived from the theory and will be supported when I enter the teaching process.
pripovijedanje u razredu
Keywords (english)
storytelling in the classroom
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:858293
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-07-20 06:51:03