Title Emocije u dječjem likovnom stvaralaštvu
Title (english) Emotions in children's visual art creativity
Author Rea Grgurač
Mentor Svetlana Novaković (mentor)
Committee member Svetlana Novaković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Vilenica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Blašković Galeković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Likovna kultura služi kako bi učenici izražavali svoje misli, doživljaje i osjećaje. Utječe na cjeloviti razvoj učenika (spoznajni, emocionalni, društveni, kritični i kreativni). Njeguju se individualne sposobnosti učenika i njegove potrebe za izražavanjem. Zbog toga je likovni odgoj vrlo bitan za učenike. Emocije su prisutne od samog rođenja djeteta. Djeca ih iskazuju na različite načine tijekom odrastanja i osjećaju ih sve više. Postoje primarne, sekundarne i pozadinske emocije. Djeca ne znaju uvijek izraziti svoje emocije zbog vanjskih podražaja, okoline ili samog temperamenta. Tu je vrlo bitan likovni izražaj. Učenike treba poticati na likovno izražavanje emocija kroz vizualne i nevizualne motive. Njihove osjećaje najbolje vidimo simbolikom i psihologijom boja, crta, neproporcionalnosti, preuveličavanjem motiva i oblika tijekom razvojnih faza izražavanja koje dijete prolazi. Tu je vrlo bitno znati kojom se temom dijete može najbolje izraziti. Pri odabiru tema nude se emocionalno bliske teme i one kojima mogu izraziti svoje emocionalne doživljaje. Nakon samog likovnog izražaja treba s djetetom razgovarati o radu, njegovu značenju te koliko je
dijete zadovoljno svojim radom i kako se zbog njega osjeća. Tim oblikom izražavanja djeca stječu više samopouzdanja, otvorenije izražavaju emocije i imaju bolju sliku o sebi i svijetu. U ovom radu govori se o emocionalnom i likovnom razvoju djece te njihovoj povezanosti. Pokušat će se dokazati kako je kod učenika 1. i 2. razreda naglašeniji emocionalni odnos prikazanog sadržaja u odnosu na boje, crte i proporcije nego kod učenika 3. i 4. razreda.
Abstract (english) Art culture serves students to express their thoughts, experiences and feelings. It affects the overall development of students (cognitive, emotional, social, critical and creative). The individual abilities of students and their needs for expression are nurtured. This is why art education is especially important for students. Emotions are present from the
very birth of a child. Children express them in different ways as they grow up and feel them increasingly. There are primary, secondary and background emotions. Children do not always know how to express their emotions, either because of external stimuli, the environment, or their own temperament. Artistic expression is very important here. Students should be encouraged to express their emotions through visual and non-visual motives. Their feelings are best seen through the symbolism and psychology of colors, lines, disproportion, exaggeration of motives and shapes during the developmental stages of artistic expression that the child goes through. It is particularly important to know through which topic the child
can express himself best. In the selection of topics, emotionally close topics and those with which they can express their emotional experiences are offered. After the artistic expression itself, you should talk with the child about the work, its meaning and how satisfied the child is with his work and how it makes him feel. Through this form of expression, children gain more self-confidence, express their emotions more openly and have a better image of themselves and the world. This paper discusses the emotional and artistic development of children and their connection. An attempt will be made to prove that the emotional relationship of the presented content in relation to colors, lines and proportions is more emphasized in the students of the 1st and 2nd grades than in the students of the 3rd and 4th grades.
likovna kultura
likovni odgoj
izražavanje emocija
Keywords (english)
art culture
art education
expression of emotions through art
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:438368
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-26 08:38:41