Abstract | Na samom početku rada bit će govora o pjesništvu za djecu, pjesništvu u dječjem vrtiću i ulozi odgojitelja. U središnjem dijelu rada prikazuju se dječja kajkavska književnost, autori kajkavskog pjesništva za djecu te primjer pojedine pjesme svakog od navedenih autora. U radu su obrađeni pojmovi razvoja govora djece u ranoj dobi i narječje u govoru djece. Rad sadrži pripremu za aktivnost i refleksiju nakon aktivnosti uz pjesmu autorice kajkavskog pjesništva. Aktivnost u dječjem vrtiću sastojala se od pet faza. Prva faza bila je igra malih ježeva, druga faza igra opipanja i osluškivanja lišća, treća faza čitanje pjesme, četvrta faza razgovor o doživljaju pjesme i peta faza stvaralačke aktivnosti, odnosno djeca su osmišljavala pjesmu i modelirala ježa.
Cilj ovog rada i same aktivnosti u dječjem vrtiću razvijanje je ljubavi prema kajkavskom pjesništvu i poticanje djece na govor, komunikaciju i izražavanje na govoru njihovog roditeljskog doma odnosno, na kajkavskom narječju. Dijete jezik ne uči, nego ga usvaja. Materinski jezik razvija se od najranije dobi djeteta, a preduvjet za to je njegova govorna okolina, odnosno govorni uzori. U poticanju govora vrlo su važni govorni uzori, odnosno odgojitelj ili roditelji. U dječjem vrtiću odgojitelj je taj koji potiče govor u ktivnostima i u igri s drugom djecom. Govorni uzori, odnosno djetetova najbliža okolina i odgojitelj trebaju dijete poticati na govor, razgovarajući s njim i upoznajući ga s književnim djelima, a posebice poezijom koja potiče razvoj govora na drugačiji i djeci zabavan način. Uzavršnom dijelu rada prikazuje se jedna aktivnost s pjesmom na kajkavskome narječju koja je odrađena u dječjem vrtiću. |
Abstract (english) | At the very beginning of the work, there will be talk about poetry for children, poetry in kindergarten, the role of educators, and recitation. In the central part of the work, Kajkavian children's literature, authors of Kajkavian poetry for children and an example of a single poem by each of the mentioned authors are presented. The paper will discuss the development of the speech of children at an early age, about the dialect in children's speech. The work includes preparation for the activity and reflection after the activity along with a poem by the author of Kajkavian poetry.
The activity in the kindergarten consisted of five phases. The first phase was a game of little hedgehogs, the second phase was a game of touching and listening to leaves, the third phase was reading poems, the fourth phase was a conversation about the experience of the poem, and the fifth phase was creative activities, i.e. the children created a poem and modeled a hedgehog.
The goal of this work and the activity itself in the kindergarten is to develop a lovefor Kajkavian poetry and to encourage children to speak, communicate, and express themselves in thelanguage of their parent's home, i.e. in the Kajkavian language. A child does not learn language but acquires it. The mother tongue develops from the earliest age of the child, and the prerequisite for this is the speaking environment, i.e. speech patterns. Speaking role models, i.e. teachers or parents, are very important in encouraging speech. In kindergarten, it is the teacher who encourages speech in activities and play with other children. Speech role models, i.e. the child's closest environment and the educator should encourage the child to speak, talk to children a lot, and introduce children to literary works, especially poetry, which encourages the development of speech in a different and fun way for children. Therefore, in the final part of the paper, an activity with a song in the Kajkavian dialect, which was performed in a kindergarten, is presented. |