Title Izazovi dječjega višejezičnog razvoja (iz perspektive odraslih govornika)
Title (english) Challenges of children's multilingual development (from the perspective of adult speakers)
Author Elida Mislimi
Mentor Jelena Vignjević (mentor)
Committee member Vladimira Velički (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Golik (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Višejezičnost je složen fenomen čije definicije u literaturi nisu jednoznačne niti univerzalne. Najčešće se višejezičnost razumijeva kao poznavanje i upotreba dvaju jezika od strane iste osobe. Ni oko učinka višejezičnosti na jezični i cjelokupni djetetov razvoj, nema slaganja. Jedni smatraju da višejezični razvoj djece može donijeti brojne izazove, no većinom se stručnjaci slažu da višejezičnost donosi brojne pozitivne učinke. Naravno, višejezičnost, kao i sve ostalo, ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke.
Temeljni je cilj ovog diplomskog rada ispitati s kojim se izazovima, prednostima, nedostacima i poteškoćama suočavaju višejezični govornici. Provedeno je stoga istraživanje kojim se htjelo odgovoriti na pitanja podržavaju li roditelji razvoj višejezične u djece, s kojim su se poteškoćama susreli višejezični govornici u kontekstu obrazovanja i socijalnih interakcija te što smatraju prednostima, a što nedostacima višejezičnosti. Također, nastojalo se detaljnije istražiti neke od sastavnica okolinskog utjecaja na dječji višejezični razvoj. S obzirom na to da se uz pojam višejezičnosti veže i kultura, istraživanjem se željelo ispitati i kako višejezični govornici gledaju na odnos jezika i kulture te kako to utječe na njihov identitet i samopouzdanje. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo devet sudionika od kojih je šest ženskog spola i tri muškoga spola. Ispitanici su bili u dobi od dvadeset i tri do trideset godina, odnosno, izazovi dječjeg višejezičnog razvoja ispitali su se iz perspektive odraslih govornika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su prednosti višejezičnosti brojne i da dominiraju nad pojedinim poteškoćama i negativnim iskustvima. Većina ispitanika tvrdi da se ni nije susrela s nedostacima. Među nedostacima koje su ispitanici izdvojili ističu se miješanje jezika i osjećaj manje pripadnosti skupini. Također, istraživanje je pokazalo kako roditelji i okolina imaju velik utjecaj na višejezični razvoj djece.
Abstract (english) Multilingualism is a complex phenomenon whose definitions in the literature are not unambiguous or universal. Most often, multilingualism is understood as the knowledge and use of two languages by the same person. There is no agreement about the effect of multilingualism on the child's linguistic and overall development either. Some believe that the multilingual development of children can bring many challenges, but most experts agree that multilingualism brings many positive effects. Of course, multilingualism, like everything else, has its advantages and disadvantages. The main goal of this thesis is to examine what challenges, advantages, disadvantages and difficulties multilingual speakers face. Therefore, research was conducted to answer the questions of whether parents support the development of multilingualism in children, what difficulties multilingual speakers encountered in the context of education and social interactions, and what they consider the advantages and disadvantages of multilingualism. Also, an effort was made to investigate in more detail some of the components of the environmental influence on children's multilingual development. Given that the concept of multilingualism is also linked to culture, the research also wanted to examine how multilingual speakers view the relationship between language and culture and how this affects their identity and self-confidence. The research was conducted using a semi-structured interview method. Nine participants took part in the research, of which six were female and three were male. The respondents were between the ages of twenty-three and thirty, that is, the challenges of children's multilingual development were examined from the perspective of adult speakers. The research results showed that the advantages of multilingualism are numerous and that they dominate certain difficulties and negative experiences. Most of the respondents claim that they have not even encountered any shortcomings. Among the shortcomings identified by the respondents are the mixing of languages and the feeling of less belonging to a group. Also, research has shown that parents and the environment have a great influence on children's multilingual development.
izazovi višejezičnosti
uloga okoline
Keywords (english)
challenges of multilingualism
role of the environment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:042968
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-10-03 09:19:38