Title Leksička raznolikost kod djece mlađe školske dobi
Author Tonka Šupe
Mentor Katarina Aladrović Slovaček (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Cvikić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maša Rimac Jurinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Croatian Language and Literature, Drama and Media Education) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology General Linguistics
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Usvajanje jezika kod djece složen je proces, ali ga djeca uspijevaju relativno brzo usvojiti. Djeca temelje materinskoga jezika usvoje negdje do treće godine svog života. Od pedesetih godina dvadesetoga stoljeća pitanje o razvoju dječjeg jezika se odvija unutar biheviorističkog i kognitivističkog teorijskog okvira. Dok jedni smatraju kako je čovjekov psihički i jezični razvoj određen ljudskom okolinom, drugi misle kako su promjene ljudskog djelovanja posljedice unutarnjih mentalnih procesa. Na samom početku razvoja jezika djeca se glasaju plakanjem, gukanjem, ponavljanjem određenih vokala te završava fazom brbljanja u kojoj se dijete koristi i igra samoglasnicima i suglasnicima u komunikaciji s okolinom. Oko prve godine života, kada nastupa jezična faza, dijete počinje izgovarati prve riječi te započinje komunicirati sa svojom okolinom tzv. dječjim govorom (baby talk) ili tepanjem (Pavličević Franić, 2005). Djeca jezik veoma brzo usvajaju i razvijaju te već do šeste godine života broj riječi koje koriste raste na četrnaest tisuća (Aladrović Slovaček, 2012). Također, djeca jezik bolje usvajaju jezik kroz igru nego tradicionalnim metodama poučavanja. Igra kao djeci urođena aktivnost stvara osjećaj ugode i dobrog raspoloženja te zbog toga sadržaj koji djeca nesvjesno nauče kroz igru trajnije ostaje u njihovu pamćenju. U svrhu pisanja ovoga rada istražili smo koliko jezična igra, kao metoda poučavanja, utječe na razvoj leksičke kompetencije kod djece mlađe školske dobi. Također smo istražili koliko dob, mjesto stanovanja i spol utječu na leksičku raznolikost kod djece. U skladu s glavnim ciljem postavili smo četiri problema istraživanja kojima se htjelo ispitati utječu li dob, spol i mjesto stanovanja na leksičku raznolikost, kao i koriste li učenici u svom svakodnevnom govoru samo standardne riječi ili se služe i dijalektizmima i neologizmima. Istraživanje je provedeno u jednoj županiji, Šibensko - kninskoj, a u njemu su sudjelovali učenici drugih i trećih razreda osnovne škole. Rezultati pokazuju utjecaj mjesta stanovanja na leksičku raznolikost, dok kod spola i dobi postoji neka razlika, ali ne jako velika. Također, vidimo i da učenici u svom govoru upotrebljavaju i ostale vrste riječi osim standardnih.
Abstract (english) Language acquisition among children is a complex process, but children succeed it relatively quickly. They can adopt it up to the age of three. Since the fifties of the twentieth century, the issue of the development of the children's language takes place within the behaviorist and cognitivistic theoretical framework. While one perceives that man's psychological and linguistic development is carried out in a human environment, others think that changes in human activity are the result of internal mental processes. In the very beginning of the language development children do the accidental or involuntary vocalisation which starts with crying and gurgling. Switch over to repetition of specific sounds and finally rounds up with the babble phase. In this final phase, a child uses vocal games to communicate with its surroundings. Around year one, which announces the beginning of the language production phase, the child starts to utter its first words to communicate with their surrounding via baby talk (Pavličević Franić, 2005). Children are quick to acquire and develop language which is why children tend to, by the age of six, increase their word count up to fourteen thousand (Aladrovič Slovaček, 2012). Futhermore, children acquire language better if they do it through a game as opposed to more traditional methods of learning. Game, as an innate activity, creates feelings of pleasure and wellbeing which is why, for children, content acquired through unconscious play is retained longer in their memory. For the purposes of this research we explored the method of language games in correlation to development of linguistic abilities among younger school children. We also investigated how age, place of residence and gender affect lexical diversity in children. In correlation to the focus point of the research we established four research questions we wanted to observe – do the age, gender and place of residence affect development of lexical diversity. In other words, do pupils use in their everyday lives only standard form of language or do they also use dialects, idiolects or neologisms. Research has been conducted in Šibenik – Knin county. Population selected to participate in the research consisted of the pupils from second and third grades of primary school. The results have shown influence of place of residence in lexical diversity, while in age and gender there si some difference, but not noticeable. The results also indicate that pupils use, besides the standard form of language, other types such as dialects.
usvajanje jezika
jezične kompetencije
jezične igre
leksička raznolikost
Keywords (english)
language acquisition
linguistic competence
language games
lexical diversity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:996428
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-11-30 09:34:55