Abstract | Roditeljstvo je najvažnija životna uloga koja obuhvaća čitav niz različitih aktivnosti i vještina odraslih, kojima je glavni zadatak skrbi o djeci. U obitelji dijete stječe prve radosti, doživljaje, iskustva, okruženo svojim roditeljima, rodbinom, i u njihovoj blizini upoznaje okolinu i svijet u kojem živi. U obitelji se osjeća zaštićeno i prihvaćeno.
Naglasak ovog rada je na stilovima roditeljstva i njihov utjecaj na odnos roditelja i djeteta. Odgojnim ciljevima koje roditelji žele postići u razvoju svoje djece. To je želja za tjelesnom brigom, zaštitom, odgojem i razumijevanjem. Uz to u radu su navedene i opisane nove strukturne obitelji koja je odraz otvorenosti, sloţenosti i različitosti naših trenutnih uvjeta života i na koji način zajednica gleda na obitelj i njenu novu strukturu. |
Abstract (english) | Parenting refers to a set of processes which consist tasks, roles, rules, communication and interpersonal relationships that adults developing in contact with their children. Parents are expected to be encouragement and guides in their child's development, in all its complexity - cognitive, physical, social, emotional, moral, spiritual, cultural and educational.
The goal of education is to prepare children to become a members of the community. Accept historical changes, modern family is experiencing changes in their own time as well. Thesis is referred to different parenting styles and strategies such as authoritarian, indifferent, permissive and authoritarian. Each of these styles of parenting affects in a different way on
personal development of child. In raising children, parents should be aware of child's developmental readiness, should make awards a lot more effective than punishment, conversation shouldn't contain abusive words, and certainly that words shouldn't be reffered towards children because they could be very destructive to their image of themselves, family rules should be clear and constant, communication should be open and should allow children to choose, with their own will, to the level when they own choice could endanger them physical or mental. |