Sažetak | Kolektivno pregovaranje složen je komunikacijski proces u kojem se nastoje zadovoljiti interesi i potrebe radnika, ali i poslodavaca. Sindikat pregovara, predstavlja te štiti radnike – pravno, ekonomski i zdravstveno. Temeljem akata i zakona koji reguliraju svako od navedenih područja. Zakonom je određeno, da jedino sindikat može pregovarati u ime radnika. Pregovara u ime svojih članaova, ali prava proizašla iz dogovora odnose se na članove i nečlanove. S obzirom na obilježja radnika koje okuplja, četiri su vrste sindikata: kućni, strukovni, granski/industrijski te opći sindikat. Povijesno gledano, sindikati su nastali pojavom industrije, krajem 18. stoljeća. Prva udruživanja radnika, s ciljem zaštite prava, zabilježena su u Engleskoj, SAD-u, Njemačkoj te Francuskoj. No, od 1980-tih bilježi se pad utjecaja i moći sindikata, te se kontinuirano smanjuje broj članova. U isto vrijeme, jača menadžment ljudskih potencijala, koji se odnosi na upravljanje ljudima, povećanju njihove motivacije i posvećenosti poslu. Kolektivno pregovaranje i udruživanje u Republici Hrvatskoj određeno je Ustavom, Zakonom o radu i Pravilnicima iz Zakona o radu, ali i Zakonom o reprezentativnosti udruga poslodavaca i sindikata te Konvencijom Međunarodne organizacije rada. U sustavu predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja, djeluju tri sindikata. Reprezentativni sindikat je Sindikat radnika u predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju Hrvatske (SRPOOH). Na kraju ovoga rada, predsjednica SRPOOH Božena Strugar, u polustrukturiranom intervju, iznijela je svoje stavove i razmišljanja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Collective bargaining is a complex communication process that seeks to meet the interests and needs of both workers and employers. The union negotiates, represents and protects workers - legally, economically and healthily. Based on the acts and laws governing each of these areas. The law provides that only trade unions can negotiate on behalf of workers. It negotiates on behalf of its members, but the rights arising from the agreement apply to members and non-members. Considering the characteristics of the workers it gathers, there are four types of trade unions: domestic, professional, branch/industrial and general union. Historically, unions were created by the advent of industry in the late 18th century. The first workers' associations to protect rights were recorded in England, USA, Germany and France. But since the 1980s, there has been a decline in union influence and power, and a steady decline in membership. At the same time, it strengthens human resource management, which is about managing people, increasing their motivation and commitment to work. Collective bargaining and association in the Republic of Croatia is determined by the Constitution, the Labor Law and the Regulations of the Labor Law, as well as the Law on Representativeness of Employers' Associations and Trade Unions and the ILO Convention. There are three trade unions in the pre-school education system. The representative union is the Union of Workers in Preschool Education of Croatia (SRPOOH). At the end of this paper, SRPOOH President Bozena Strugar, in a semi-structured interview, presented her views and reflections. |