Sažetak | Završni rad Igre bojom u jasličkoj skupini sadrži teorijsko znanje o boji te praktične aktivnosti izvedene u dječjem vrtiću Medo Brundo. Kroz rad u prvom dijelu koristeći se s različitom literaturom definirat ću što je boja, karakteristike boje, miješanje i simboliku boja, te kojim likovnim aktivnostima i slikarskim tehnikama možemo približiti boju djeci. Pojasnit ću simboliku boje i na koji način boja utječe na dijete te na koji se način dijete rane dobi upoznaje s bojom i kako ju koristi. Važan segment također ima uređenje prostora dječjeg vrtića. Prostor bi trebao sadržavati mnoštvo boja, te u samom uređenju trebala bi sudjelovati i djeca, svakako prema svojim mogućnostima.
U drugom dijelu prikazat ću na koji način i kroz koje likovne aktivnosti djeca mogu upoznati boju, koliko su važni dobro izabrani poticaji u skladu s dječjom dobi te kako motivirati djecu za igre bojom. Može se reći da djeca boji pridodaju važnost u nešto starijoj dobi dok se djeca jasličke skupine koriste bojom koja im je nadohvat ruke, važno im je da boju upoznaju dodirom, okusom i mirisom. Roditelji bi trebali biti ti koji djeci prvi ponude boju na različite načine od najranije dobi, no obzirom na užurbani način života mnogi roditelji nemaju vremena posvetiti se likovnim aktivnostima kod kuće i ostavljaju taj dio odgojiteljima u vrtiću. Većina roditelja ne dopušta likovne aktivnosti u vlastitom domu radi nereda koji nastane tijekom stvaranja. Djeca koriste boju dijelovima tijela, prstima ruku, nogu, nanoseći ju na tijelo, papir, zid, sve što je oko njih. Zaprljaju se, ali roditelji bez adekvatnog znanja, ne mogu razumjeti da djeca tako istražuju i upoznaju svijet oko sebe, sputavajući tako likovnost kod djece. U vrtićima djecu se upoznaje s osnovnim bojama, odgajatelji raznim poticajima približavaju boju i njena svojstva djeci. Kroz razne igre djeca uče o boji, miješanju boje, nanoseći boju kistom ili različitim sredstvima. Djeca kroz razne igre bojom razvijaju senzibilitet za boju i dolaze do novih spoznaja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Bachelor’s thesis Coloring games in nursery group consists of theoretical knowledge about colors and activities conducted at the Medo Brundo kindergarten. Throughout the first part of the thesis, using different kinds of literature, I will be defining terms, such as color, color characteristics, mixing and the symbolism of colors and will be explaining which artistic activities and painting techniques can be used to introduce and better explain colors to the children. I will explain the symbolism of the colors and the way it affects children. Furthermore, I will be describing the way toddlers are introduced to colors and the way they use it. Very substantial part of it, is the interior design of the kindergarten. The space itself,
should consist of a lot of different colors and the children, themselves should participate in decorating it, as much as they can. The second part will show different ways of art activity in which children can be introduced to colors, realizing how important it is to choose the particular activities accordant to their age and how to motivate them to play with colors. It
could be said that older children add more importance to colors, while toddlers only use colors that are within reach. It’s important for them to get familiar with touch, taste and smell. Parents are the ones who are supposed to be introducing their children to colors in different ways from the earliest age possible, but considering the busy lifestyles most of them lead, they simply don’t have the time for it and leave it in the hands of their kindergarten teachers. Most parents won’t even let their children engage in different artistic activities in the walls of their own home, mainly because of the mess it creates. Children use color with parts of their bodies, hands, fingers, legs, spreading it across their own bodies, papers, walls and everything they can get their hands on. It can create quite a mess, but parents that don’t have the adequate
knowledge on this subject can’t comprehend the fact that this is the way for the children to explore the world around them, unknowingly limiting the artistry in children. They can help their children to recognize different colors with colorful surroundings and peak their interest. In kindergarten, teachers familiarize children with basic colors, adding them to different activities to make it easier for them to understand all the characteristics of colors. Throughout different games, children are being taught things about colors, whether is just mixing colors, painting it on with a brush or different kinds of materials. With those same games, children gain knowledge, learning how and where the colors can be used. |