Sažetak | Tema ovog diplomskog rada je autizam. Sam rad sastoji se od dva dijela – teorijski aspekt autizma te prikaz slučaja iz prakse. Teorijski dio diplomskog rada bazira se na povijesnom pregledu autizma, definiciji autizma, karakteristikama autistične djece. Također, u radu se govori o dijagnostici autizma te su navedene moguće etiologije, tj. uzroci autizma. Nadalje, spominje se važnost senzorne integracije za autističnu djecu te su navedeni i opisani mogući tretmani za ublažavanje autističnog poremećaja. U radu su opisani programi rane intervencije, bihevioralni pristup, primijenjena analiza ponašanja, TEACCH program, psihoanalitički pristup, model RIO, farmakoterapija, likovna, glazbena, kineziterapija te terapija igrom. Posljednje poglavlje teorijskog dijela posvećeno je obrazovanju autistične djece. U njemu se navodi kako izraditi dobar individualizirani odgojno-obrazovni program, koji je njegov sadržaj te tko sudjeluje pri njegovoj izradi. Isto tako, dane su smjernice kako olakšati učenicima obrazovanje u školi, u učionici te kako postupiti u situacijama kada je u razred integriran učenik s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra. Drugi, praktični dio diplomskog rada, predstavljen je kao praćenje dvanaestogodišnjeg, autističnog dječaka u nastavnom procesu. Zabilježeno je njegovo ponašanje, uočene karakteristike autizma te njegovo sudjelovanje u nastavi koje je potkrijepljeno fotografijama. Ukratko je prikazana i povijest bolesti od dječakove treće godine do danas. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The subject of this thesis is autism. The paper itself consists of two parts – the theoretical aspect of autism and representation of an actual practical case. The theoretical part is based upon historic overview of autism, it contains detailed explanation of the definition of the term and the characteristics of children affected by it. Futher more, the paper elaborates the diagnosis of autism and is covered with every possible etiology root – cause of autism. Also, the subject of sensory integration for the autistic children has been emphasized as highly relevant and complimented with all the existing treatments for reduction of autistic disorder. The thesis explains programs of early intervention, behavioral approach, applied behavior analysis, TEACCH program, psychoanalytic approach, RIO model, pharmacotherapy, art and music therapy as well as the needle therapy. The final chapter of theoretical part is dedicated to education of autistic children and it contains the instructions for building up a good, individualized, nurturing and educational program, its content and the people involved in its production. What is more, it contains the guidelines which provide information regarding facilitation of the students in educational systems such as schools and classrooms and explain the process of access in the situations in which there is a child affected with a condition from autism spectrum integrated in class. The following, practical part of the thesis is designed as monitoring of twelwe-year-old boy affected with autism during the schooling process. His behavior has been noted and supported with photographs. The second part also contains short history of the boy's illness from period of the third year of age up untill present. |