Sažetak | Referenciranje se odnosi na bilo kakav oblik navođenja izvora u radu.
Reference mogu biti detaljne ili ne-detaljne. Izvori na koje se reference odnose mogu
biti raznovrsni, a bez obzira koje su vrste, mogu biti u analognom ili digitalnom obliku.
Anonimni izvori su nepoželjni i treba ih maksimalno izbjegavati. To podrazumijeva
ulaganje više napora u pretraživanje alternativnih izvora te pronalaženje relevantnih, s
preferiranjem onih primarnih.
Ukoliko autor ne navede izvor iz kojega je uzeo neki podatak, tada se
podrazumijeva da je to autorovo originalno djelo, pa ukoliko to nije tako već je
preuzeto iz nekog nenavedenog izvora, tada govorimo o plagijatu te o možebitnim
njegovim posljedicama i sankcijama. Referenciranje je nužno ne samo kod korištenja
tuđih tekstova, već i kod korištenja tuđih tablica, grafikona, slika, dijagrama ili sl.,
dakle, kod korištenja bilo čega što nije rezultat rada autora.
Za referenciranje se koristi mnoštvo stilova, no većina se njih može grupirati u
tri glavne vrste: referenciranje u tekstu, referenciranje fusnotama te numeričko
referenciranje. Najpoznatiji stilovi su harvardski, American Psyhological Association
(APA), Modern Language Association (MLA), Vankuverski, Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), oxfordski i Chicago. Neovisno koja se vrsta i stil
referenciranja koristi, važno je da se može jasno utvrditi što je preuzeto iz vanjskih
izvora, a što je autorovo djelo.
Referenciranje je često zamoran proces, iziskuje dosta vremena i nužne
konzistentnosti korištenja istog stila unutar jednog rada, pa nam u toj zadaći uvelike
može pomoći programska podrška. U ovom radu su prikazani neki najčešće korišteni
programi za upravljanje referencama.
Provedena su tri istraživanja čiji su rezultati prikazani u radu. Prvo je
istraživanje o korištenju stilova referenciranja hrvatskih znanstvenih i stručnih
časopisa dostupnih preko Hrčka, korištenjem njihovih uputa za autore. Drugo je
istraživanje analiza uputa za studente fakulteta i odjela hrvatskih sveučilišta. Treće
istraživanje provedeno je putem anketnog upitnika kojeg je ispunilo sto studenata, a
kojim se dobio uvid o njihovu znanju i praksi korištenja stilova referenciranja te
prateće programske podrške. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Referencing refers to any form of citing a source in a paper. References can be
detailed or non-detailed. The sources to which the references refer can be diverse, and
regardless of the types, they can be in analog or digital form. Anonymous sources are
undesirable and should be avoided as much as possible. This means putting more effort
into searching for alternative sources and finding relevant ones, with a preference for
the primary ones.
If the author does not state the source from which he took some information,
then it is assumed that it is the author's original work, and if it is not already taken from
an unlisted source, then we are talking about plagiarism and its possible consequences
and sanctions. Referencing is necessary not only when using other people's texts, but
also when using other people's tables, graphs, figures, diagrams, etc., therefore, when
using anything that is not the result of the author's work.
Many styles are used for reference, but most of them can be grouped into three
main types: text referencing, footnote referencing, and numerical referencing. The
most famous styles are Harvard, American Psychological Association (APA), Modern
Language Association (MLA), Vancouver, Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE), Oxford, and Chicago. Regardless of what type and style of
referencing are used, it is important to be able to identify what is taken from external
sources and what is the author’s work.
Referencing is often a tedious process, requiring a lot of time and the necessary
consistency of using the same style within a single paper, so the software can help us
greatly in this task. This paper presents some commonly used reference management
Three studies were conducted, the results of which are presented in the paper.
The first is a study on the use of reference styles of Croatian scientific and professional
journals available through Hrčak, using their instructions for authors. The second
research is the analysis of instructions for students of faculties and departments of
Croatian universities. The third survey was conducted through a questionnaire
completed by one hundred students, which provided insight into their knowledge and
practice of using reference styles and accompanying software. |