Sažetak | Autizam je kompleksan neuropsihički razvojni poremećaj. Uzroci njegovog nastanka do danas još nisu utvđeni, no postoje mnoga istraživanja i teorije koje dokazuju sličnosti nastanka kod mnoge djece. Istraživanja dokazuju da hladnoća i odsutnost majke utječu na nastanak autizma, kao i prenatalno razdoblje bebe, te razdvojenost ili hospitalizacija majke i djeteta. Postoji nekoliko vrsta autizma: primarni, sekundarni i infantilni. Najčešći simptomi nastanka autizma su: izostanak prvog osmijeha između trećeg i četvrtog mjeseca, nagli prestanak govora, učestale repetitivne kretnje rukama, izostanak socijalnih kontakata, izostanak igre, odnosno igranje svojim prstićima ispred lica i ne potreba za druženjen s drugom djecom.
Dijagnosticiranje autizma je veoma složen proces, na njemu rade stručnjaci, psiholozi, psihijatri, logopedi i defektolozi, nikad dijagnozu ne posavlja samo jedan. Isto tako se dijagnoza autizma ne postavlja na temelju samo jednog simptoma već više njih.
Terapija autizma je također raznovrsna, djeluje se na ona područja koja su izgubljena tj. nedostaju kod djeteta, a potiču se ona koja zanimaju dijete te ona u kojima je dobar. Najčešće terapije su terapije psihoticima ili određenim lijekovima koji propiše psihijatar, kineziterapija koja im pomaže u općem stanju organizma, terapija glazbom i likovna terapija, kako bi se djeca s autizmom kreativno izražavala i razvijala svoju maštu, uz tu terapiju može se doći do njihovih velikih uspjeha.
Također, autistična djeca vrlo često imaju neki talenat (autistični savant) ili zanimaciju prema nekom predmetu, te korištenje te iste stvari ili predmeta može pridonjeti adekvatnoj terapiji, oni tu stvar ili predmet nose zajedno sa sobom kamo god idu te im je ona utjeha. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Autism is a complex neuropsychiatric developmental disorder. The causes of its occurrence have not been determined by this date, but there is a lot of research and there are many theories which show resemblance of the cause in many children. Research prove that the coldness and if the mother is absent, it can influence the onset of autism, just like the prenatal period of the baby and separation or hospitalization of the mother and baby. There are several types of autism: primary, secondary and infantile. The most common symptoms of autism are: absence of the first smile between the third and fourth month, sudden cessation of speech, frequent repetitive hand movements, absence of social contacts, absence of play like playing with their fingers in front of the face and no need to socialize with other children.
Diagnosing autism is a very complex process. Experts, psychologists, psychiatrists, speech therapists and special educators work on it, and a diagnosis is never made by only one person. Likewise, the diagnosis of autism is never made by one symptom but several.
The therapy of autism is diverse, it works on those areas that are lost or that are missing in the child while the ones that interest the child and the ones in which he/she is good at are encouraged. The most common therapies are psychotherapy or certain medications prescribed by a psychiatrist, kinesiotherapy to help them in general condition, music therapy and art therapy so that children with autism would be able to express themselves creatively and develop their imagination. This therapy can lead to their great success.
Also, autistic children commonly have a specific talent (autistic savant) or an interest in an object. The use of the same object can give to the adequate therapy as they carry that thing o ran object wherever they go as it is their consolation. |