Sažetak | U ovome radu obrađeni su povijest i stvaralaštvo jednoga od najpopularnijih heavy metal sastava svih vremena, Metallice. U prvome poglavlju opisana je biografija sastava koja uključuje sve bitne događaje i okolnosti njihova rada. Od nastanka grupe 1983. Metallica je nailazila na brojne prepreke, a jedna od njih je bila brojnost sastava koji su pripadali istome glazbenom stilu te su se u isto vrijeme kao i Metallica pokušavali domoći slave. U tu je svrhu Metallica započela sa sviranjem glazbe koja je bila agresivnija i brža od one koju su stvarali drugi sastavi stvorivši osobni stil prema kojem do danas definiramo Metallicu. Tijekom dugogodišnjeg postojanja članovi Metallice su zajedno proživjeli brojne uspone i padove. Jedan od najtežih trenutaka za sastav bila je smrt člana sastava Cliffa Burtona, a među događaje koji su oblikovali grupu spada i razdoblje u kojem se James Hetfield borio protiv ovisnosti o alkoholu. Metallica je sudjelovala i u borbi za autorska prava prilikom koje je trajno uklonjena stranica za besplatno preuzimanje pjesama, Napster. Drugo poglavlje obuhvaća kratke životopise trenutnih i bivših članova Metallice. Od nastanka Metallice pa do danas u sastavu grupe je došlo do nekoliko promjena. Od prvobitnih članova grupe, danas se u sastavu nalaze James Hetfield i Lars Ulrich koji su ujedno i osnivači Metallice. Današnji sastav, zajedno s osnivačima, čine još i Robert Trujillo i Kirk Hammett. Sljedeće poglavlje sadrži kratke opise pojedinih heavy metal stilova te je u istom određena i obrazložena žanrovska pripadnost sastava. S obzirom da je Metallica jedan od najpoznatijih heavy metal sastava na svijetu, a heavy metal čine brojni žanrovi, neophodno je svrstavanje Metallice u jedan od tih žanrova, iako neke od njihovih pjesama svojim karakterom odstupaju čak i od heavy metala općenito. Posljednje poglavlje svojim sadržajem obuhvaća popis diskografskih izdanja te dvaju filmova u čijem je stvaranju sudjelovala Metallica. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this paper, the history and creativity of one of the most popular heavy metal bands of all time-Metallica are processed.
In the first chapter the biography of the band, including all important events and circumstances of their work are described. Since the founding of the band in 1983, Metallica has encountered numerous obstacles, one of them being the sheer numbers of bands that belonged to the same music genre that tried reaching popularity at the same time as Metallica. For that reason Metallica started playing music that was faster and more aggressive than the music played by other bands, creating their personal style by which Metallica is defined even today. Throughout the long-lasting existence of the band, the members of Metallica have gone through numerous ups and downs. One of the most difficult moments for the band was the death of their band member, Cliff Burton. Among the most difficult moments for the band also counts the time when James Hetfield fought against his alcohol addiction. Metallica also took part in the copyright dispute which led to the permanent removal of the web-page for free downloading of songs, Napster.
The second chapter includes short biographies of the current and former band members ofMetallica. Since the establishment ofMetallica to the present, there have been some changes in the band. Out of the original members of Metallica, in the present the founders of Metallica, James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich remained as members. The present band, except thee two founders, includes Robert Trujillo and Kirk Hammett.
The next chapter contains short descriptions of the specific styles of heavy metal, as the genre qualifications of Metallica which are defined and reasoned. Considering that Metallica is one of the most famous heavy metal bands in the
world, and heavy metal includes numerous genres, it is necessary to assort Metallica to one of those genres, even though some of Metallica’s songs, considering their characteristics, vary even to heavy metal in general.
The last chapter includes a list of Metallica’s discography, as the movies in whose creations Metallica took part. |