Sažetak | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kakav utjecaj ima program urbanih plesova na razvoj motoričkih sposobnosti djece predškolske dobi. Ples je jezik koji pričaju svi, neovisno o materinskom jezik i podrijetlu. Nije potrebno puno, a mogu se otkriti osjećaji, želje i prema čemu se teži. Zato je ples specifičan. Djeca su neopterećena brigama i ljudima, pa plesom reagiraju na svaki ritam. Odrastanjem strah preuzme život i stvaraju se blokade.
Veliki interes za urbanim plesom u Hrvatskoj je izazvao priznavanjem break dance kao nova disciplina na Olimpijskim igrama. Otvoreni su novi programi osposobljavanja na Hrvatskom institutu za kineziologiju u suradnji s Hrvatskim sportskim plesnim savezom. Urbani ples uključuje hip hop, brake dance, house, vogue, waacking, popping, dancehall i locking. Kroz specifične pokrete svakog stila, praćena tipičnom glazbom istražuje se tijelo i mijenja se emocionalni i tjelesni razvoj. Upravo zato se na uzorku od 19 ispitanika želio ispitati napredak mjerenjem kondicije i snage trupa i nogu.
Razlike između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja su bile uočljive na razini cijele grupe, iako su kod neke djece bila manje značajna, a kod neke jako. Ovisno o predanosti, motivaciji, ali i zdravstvenim prilikama promijene su kod djece bile različite, ali uočljive. To je najbolji pokazatelj koliko motivacija utječe na sami napredak.
Potaknuti spoznajama iz ostalih istraživanja koja prate ples i utjecaj na motoričke sposobnosti potvrđuje se važnost plesa za djecu. Ovo istraživanje proširenje je vidika istraživanja iz 2020. godine gdje se gledao samo utjecaj hip hopa. Novi je korak prema spoznaji da postoji novo poglavlje u plesu koji je moderan, a itekako povoljno utječe na emocionalni, socijalni i motorički razvoj djece. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this study was to determine how the urban dance curriculum affects the development of coordination and strength in children attending preschool. Dance is a language spoken by everyone, regardless of our mother tongue and where we come from. It doesn't take much to find out how we feel, what we want, and what we strive for. That is why dancing is specific. As children we are unencumbered by worries and people, so we dance to every beat. As we grow up, fear takes over our lives and we create blockages. Recognizing break dance as a new discipline at the Olympic Games caused a great interest in urban dance in Croatia. New training programs have been opened at the Croatian Institute of Kinesiology in cooperation with the Croatian Sports Dance Association. Urban dance includes hip hop, break dance, house, vogue, waacking, popping, dancehall, and locking. The body is explored through the specific movements of each style, accompanied by typical music, the body is explored, and emotional and physical development is changed. That is why this research wanted to see how much progress was made, on a sample of 19 subjects through the tests for coordination, and strength of the torso and legs. The differences between the initial and final measurements were noticeable at the level of the whole group, although in some children they were less significant, and in some were strongly significant. Depending on the commitment, motivation, but also health conditions, the changes in children were different but noticeable. It is the best indicator of how much motivation affects progress itself.
Encouraged by knowledge from other research that follows dance and the impact on motor skills it has confirmed the importance of dance for children. This research is an extension of the 2020 research perspective where only the impact of hip hop was looked at. It is a new step towards the realization that there is a new chapter in dance that is modern and has a very positive effect on the emotional, social, and motor development of children. |