Sažetak | Oralno zdravlje sastavni je dio općeg zdravlja i bitno utječe na kvalitetu života pojedinca. Brigu o oralnom zdravlju pojedinca treba započeti već tijekom intrauterinog razdoblja kada započinje razvoj denticije te se nastavlja tijekom cijeloga života. Razvoj denticije kod djece započinje u 4.tjednu intrauterinog života i traje do 20.godine. U tom periodu zubi se razvijaju iz zubnih zametaka procesom odontogeneze, niču u usnu šupljinu, utječu na razvoj cijele čeljusti, ispadaju te nastaje izmjena s trajnim nasljednicima. Nedostatnim održavanjem oralne higijene te nepravilnom prehranom mijenjaju se uvjeti u usnoj šupljini. Mikroflora postaje opasna za tvrda zubna tkiva, a obrambeni kapaciteti sline se smanjuju. Rezultat toga je demineralizacije, odnosno otapanja cakline i nastanka karijesa. Karijes kod djece mlađe od 6 godina naziva se rani dječji karijes i predstavlja javnozdravstveni problem koji dovodi do preranog gubitka mliječnih zuba. Posljedice preranog gubitka mliječnih zuba su potencijalne ortodontske anomalija u trajnoj denticiji. Osim toga dolazi i do disfunkcija u fonaciji i žvakanju, a nerijetko i do psiholoških tegoba zbog narušene estetike. Osim zbog karijesa, prerani gubitak zuba događa se i uslijed traumi koje su vrlo česta pojava kod djece predškolske dobi. Važno ih je na vrijeme sanirati jer se one smatraju hitnim stanjem u dentalnoj medicini. Razdoblje ranog djetinjstva i odrastanje karakterizira ovisnost djeteta o odraslim osobama i ono se tek uči brinuti o sebi. Navike, stavove i vrijednosti oblikuje djetetovo okruženje u kojemu odrasta. Svrha i cilj rada je predstavljanje svih aspekata preventivnog djelovanja u očuvanju oralnog zdravlja djeteta od obiteljskog doma, stomatologa te odgojno obrazovnih institucija u kojima dijete provodi sve više vremena. Dakle sve je veća odgovornost na ustanovama za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje u promicanju zdravlja pa tako i oralnog zdravlja. Ovim radom prikazane su aktivnosti i mogući načini rada s djecom predškolskog uzrasta na temu oralnog zdravlja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Dental health is a fundamental part of general health and affects, considerably, the quality of each individual’s life. Dental healthcare ought to start during the period of women's pregnancy, during the development of dentition of a child and continues throughout our life. In children, dentition begins during the 4th week of intrauterine life and develops up until 20 years old. It is in this period that the teeth develop from tooth germs by the process called, odontogenesis. The teeth grow, affect the development of the entire jaw, fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth. However, lack of dental hygiene and irregular diet may lead to change of form within the oral cavity. Firstly, microfibre becomes a hazard for the hard tooth tissue whereas the defence capacity of saliva reduces. As a result, the process of demineralisation begins with enamel dissolvement and tooth decay. Tooth Caries, in children younger than 6 years-old, named, early childhood caries represents a public health issue, which leads to early loss of baby teeth. Furthermore, the aftereffects of early baby teeth loss are potential orthodontic anomalies in permanent dentition. In addition to permanent dentition damage, lack of dental hygiene leads to dysfunctional phonation and mastication, while also creating psychological health issues due to damaged aesthetics. However, caries is not the only health problem which leads to teeth loss, this is also a frequent case due to traumas in children of pre-school age. It is crucial to treat these health problems on time, as they are considered an emergency in dental medicine. Early childhood and growth are characterised by dependence of a child on adults and a child’s knowledge on how to take care of themselves. Here the child is learning to take care of him or herself, so the habits, point of views and values are shaped by the child’s environment. The purpose of this research is demonstration of all solutions, which can prevent dental health issues in children, starting from family, dental medicine and educational institutions in which the child spends most of his or her time. Therefore, the responsibility lies within the institutions for early and pre-school education in teaching dental hygiene. This research demonstrates activities and practices with children of pre-scool age about dental health. |