Sažetak | Tema ovog završnog rada je fitness u okviru animacije za djecu. Fitness program obuhvaća niz atraktivnih tjelesnih vježbi za dobrobit zdravlja djeteta. Shodno tome, fitness se može primjenjivati u mnogim okružjima, obiteljskim i izvanobiteljskim, odgojnim ustanovama, dječjim klubovima, u turističkoj animaciji, ljetnim kampovima i dr. U završnom radu opisuje se poveznica između fitnessa i animacije. Zadnjih godina, turističke tvrtke uvidjele su potrebu i želju ljudi za bavljenjem tjelesnim aktivnostima i na godišnjim odmorima stoga osmišljavaju cijeli novi sektor, animaciju. To je sektor koji se brine za društveno-zabavne aktivnosti, kulturno-umjetničke te sportske aktivnosti. Sportsko-rekreativni programi u animaciji bivaju sve popularniji iz dana u dan. Neki od najtraženijih aktivnosti su: nogometni turniri, stolni tenis, aerobik, aqua aerobik, zumba, aqua zumba, stretching, jogging, biciklizam, nordic walking i ostali. Dječjoj populaciji su najprimamljivije plesno-sportske aktivnosti poput aqua aerobika, zumbe, aqua zumbe i mini disca čija koreografija nerijetko obuhvaća latino i pop glazbu. U ovom završnom radu, cilj je predstaviti i upoznati roditelje, odgojitelje i širu publiku s dobrobitima fitnessa za djecu te programima koji se provode u sklopu fitnessa. Važno je ohrabriti roditelje i odgojitelje da uvide dobrobiti fitness aktivnosti dok se zajedno s djecom igraju, plivaju, šetaju, bicikliraju, plešu i dr. Nadalje, u radu se detaljnije opisuju aerobik i zumba za djecu rane i predškolske dobi te se naglašava kako bi treninzi za djecu trebali biti osmišljeni uzimajući u obzir prethodno usvojene motoričke sposobnosti. Tijekom ljeta, djeca imaju priliku pohađati aerobik i zumbu u bazenu ili moru. Vježbanje u vodi ima brojne prednosti. Osim što je djeci zabavno, pojedine vježbe im je puno lakše izvoditi u vodi. Da bi se roditelje, odgojitelje i sve ostale koji su u svakodnevnom kontaktu s djecom upoznalo s važnošću fitnessa za djecu, trebalo bi ih pobliže upoznati s fitnessom. Kao poticaj za roditelje i odgojitelje, završni rad sadrži primjer zumbe za djecu potkrepljenu vizualnim materijalima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The topic of this final work is fitness in the framework of animation for children. The fitness program includes a series of attractive physical exercises for the benefit of the child's health. Accordingly, fitness can be applied in many environments, family and non-family, educational institutions, children's clubs, in tourist animation, summer camps, etc. The connection between fitness and animation is described in the final work. In recent years, tourism companies have seen the need and desire of people to engage in physical activities, and therefore they are creating a whole new sector, animation. It is a sector that takes care of social and entertainment activities, cultural and artistic and sports activities. Day by day, sports and recreational programs in animation are becoming more and more popular. Some of the most popular activities are: football tournaments, table tennis, aerobics, aqua aerobics, zumba, aqua zumba, stretching, jogging, cycling, Nordic walking and others. The children's population is most attracted to dance and sports activities such as aqua aerobics, zumba, aqua zumba and mini disco, whose choreography often includes latin and pop music. In this final work, the aim is to present and familiarize parents, educators and the general public with the benefits of fitness for children and the programs implemented as part of fitness. It is important to encourage parents and educators to see the benefits of fitness activities while playing, swimming, walking, cycling and dancing together with their children. Furthermore, the final work describes aerobics and zumba for children of early and preschool age in more detail, and emphasizes that training for children should be designed taking into account previously acquired motor skills. During the summer, children have the opportunity to attend aerobics and zumba in the pool or the sea. Exercising in water has numerous benefits. Apart from the fact that it is fun for children, certain exercises are much easier for them to perform in water. In order to make parents, educators and everyone else who is in daily contact with children aware of the importance of fitness for children, they should be introduced to fitness in more detail. As an incentive for parents and educators, the final paper contains an example of Zumba for children supported by visual materials. |