Sažetak | U zadnjih nekoliko godina postotak pretilosti neprestano je u porastu, kako kod odraslih tako i kod djece i adolescenata. Osim što neprestano raste postotak pretilosti, neprestano se smanjuje i postotak tjelesne aktivnosti i raste postotak sedentarnog načina života.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi stanje pretilosti kod učenika 3. razreda osnovne škole te vidjeti postoji li razlika u dominaciji pretilosti s obzirom na spol.
Sudionici istraživanja bili su učenici dva treća razreda jedne osnovne škole u Zagrebu, tj. 42 učenika oba spola u dobi od 9 do 10 godina. Od 42 učenika sudjelovalo je 22 djevojčice i 20 dječaka gdje se istraživalo postoji li razlika u dominaciji pretilosti s obzirom na spol. Uzorak varijabli činilo je 4 varijable antropometrijskih karakteristika: tjelesna visina i tjelesna težina, indeks tjelesne mase i percentilna vrijednost indeksa tjelesne mase.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da većina sudionika istraživanja pripada stanju normalne uhranjenosti, ali su ipak postojali učenici i u stanju prekomjerne uhranjenosti pa čak i pretilosti, a s druge strane i učenici u stanju pothranjenosti. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako od ukupnog broja sudionika njih 55% pripada stanju normalne uhranjenosti, 16% stanju prekomjerne uhranjenosti, 24% stanju debljine i pretilosti te 5% stanju pothranjenosti. Zbog navedenih rezultata nije utvrđeno kako kod učenika u nižim razredima primarnog obrazovanja obog uzorka dominira stanje prekomjerne tjelesne težine, tj. uhranjenosti. Naravno rezultati su pokazali kako to stanje zaista postoji i kako je postotak dosta velik. Prilikom analiziranja T-testom dobili su se rezultati da vjerojatnost slučaja nije značajna te se samim time odbila hipoteza o postojanju značajne razlike u pretilosti prema spolu.
Važnost tjelesne aktivnosti, koja je ujedno usko povezana s razvojem pretilosti, treba prenijeti mlađoj populaciji. Motivaciju i pozitivan stav o tjelesnoj aktivnosti djeca usvajaju gledajući odrasle i usvajajući njihove stavove razvijaju svoj. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In the last few years, the percentage of obesity has been constantly increasing, both among adults and among children and adolescents. In addition to the constantly increasing percentage of obesity, the percentage of physical activity is constantly decreasing and the percentage of a sedentary lifestyle is increasing.
The goal of this research was to determine the state of obesity in 3rd grade elementary school students and to see if there is a difference in the dominance of obesity regarding to gender.
The research participants were students of two third grades of an elementary school in Zagreb, i.e. 42 students of both sexes aged 9 to 10 years. Out of 42 students, 22 girls and 20 boys participated, where it was investigated whether there is a difference in the dominance of obesity regarding to gender. The sample of variables consisted of 4 variables of anthropometric characteristics: body height and body weight, body mass index and percentile value of body mass index.
The results of the research showed that the majority of research participants belong to a state of normal nutrition, but there were still students in a state of excessive nutrition and even obesity, and on the other hand, students in a state of malnutrition. The research showed that out of the total number of participants, 55% belong to the state of normal nutrition, 16% to the state of excessive nutrition, 24% to the state of fatness and obesity, and 5% to the state of malnutrition. Due to the aforementioned results, it was not determined that excessive nutrition and malnutrition dominates the students in the lower grades of primary education in both samples. Of course, the results showed that this condition really exists and that the percentage is quite high. When analyzing with the T-test, the results were obtained that the probability of the case is not significant, thus rejecting the hypothesis of the existence of a significant difference in obesity according to gender.
The importance of physical activity, which is also closely related to the development of obesity, should be emphasized to the younger population. Children acquire motivation and a positive attitude about physical activity by watching adults and by adopting their attitudes they develop their own. |