
Children with speech and language difficulties and reading comprehension in EFL
Children with speech and language difficulties and reading comprehension in EFL
Valentina Karagić
A teacher who at least once had a pupil with speech and/or language disorder such as: dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia etc. in his/her class is aware of the fact that it is a demanding, responsible and very difficult job, especially when teaching foreign language. It is very important that such teachers are aware of their pupil's situation and diagnosis. A teacher has to educate him/herself about the disorder in order to help his/her learner in the right way. Parents are there to help...
Cijepljenje djece
Cijepljenje djece
Barbara Plukavec
Glavna tema ovog završnog rada je provođenje cijepljenja kod djece koji će se baviti važnosti cijepljenja, njegovoj učinkovitosti te otporu roditelja prema cijepljenju. Spomenut će se kratki povijesni pregled i definirati cijepljenje. Veća pažnja posvetiti će se procesu imunizacije, koja se može provoditi aktivno i pasivno, te vrsti cjepiva. Najvećim djelom bavit će se zaraznim bolestima protiv kojih je cijepljenje obavezno. Također govorit će se o nuspojavama cijepljenja te...
Cijepljenje djece
Cijepljenje djece
Lidija Huten
Cijepljenje je unošenje antigena u organizam sa svrhom stvaranja protutijela. Ono je najveći medicinski uspjeh 20. stoljeća i njime je spašeno više života nego bilo kojom drugom medicinskom intervencijom u povijesti. Osim individualne zaštite koju postižemo cijepljenjem, optimalnim programom cijepljenja i njegovom provedbom postižemo kolektivnu imunost (za bolesti koje se prenose s čovjeka na čovjeka, ukoliko se postigne dovoljan obuhvat populacije cijepljenjem, prijenos bolesti...
Cijepljenje djece predškolske dobi
Cijepljenje djece predškolske dobi
Antonia Bradarić
Cijepljenje je unošenje antigena u organizam sa svrhom stvaranja protutijela. To je najveći medicinski uspjeh 20. stoljeća i njime je spašeno više života nego bilo kojom drugom medicinskom intervencijom u povijesti. Osim individualne zaštite koju postižemo cijepljenjem, optimalnim programom cijepljenja i njegovom provedbom postižemo kolektivnu imunost (za bolesti koje se prenose s čovjeka na čovjeka, ukoliko se postigne dovoljan obuhvat populacije cijepljenjem, prijenos...
Cjeloživotno obrazovanje odgojitelja
Cjeloživotno obrazovanje odgojitelja
Ivona Ložnjak
Biti odgojitelj nikada nije bilo jednostavno, no danas je to možda teže no ikada prije. Profesija odgojitelja je zanimanje koje obuhvaća kontinuirani rast i razvoj koji se postiže kroz inicijalno obrazovanje, stažiranje i traje cijeli život trajnim usavršavanjem. Cjeloživotno obrazovanje je proces koji počinje rođenjem i traje do završetka života. Cjeloživotno obrazovanje je nužan dio života profesionalca kako bi što bolje mogao poticati cjelokupni razvoj djeteta i...
Code - Switching in Trilingual Child
Code - Switching in Trilingual Child
Marija Krasić
Multilingual speakers, when faced with communication difficulties, employ different communication strategies, a common one being code-switching if they believe that their collocutors are able to follow such a conversation. This case study investigates the most frequent communication strategies used by a young trilingual girl, who speaks Croatian and Ukrainian as hereditary languages while German is the language of her environment. The focus of this study is on her conversations with her...
Comics and Their Benefits in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Comics and Their Benefits in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Filip Džankić
In this paper, readers can learn about comic books, what they are, how they work as an expressive mode, how to read them and how to decode their language. The paper contains a chapter about their history and controversies regarding why the medium was, and sometimes still is, considered unworthy. Readers can find out how this medium can benefit foreign language teaching as a general tool in class which can help in various areas such as reading required literature (which these books could...
Comparison of International Primary Curriculum with Croatian National Curriculum for General Compulsory Education
Comparison of International Primary Curriculum with Croatian National Curriculum for General Compulsory Education
Adriana Jurašić
Education today has a role of one of the greatest accomplishments in man’s life and is directly influencing the prosperity of each society. Thereby, a nation’s economy and wellbeing primarily relies on the quality of its educational system. In view of the fact, since its formation in the late 1990s, Croatia has implemented three major educational reforms among which is the on-going experimental reform that offers a curriculum directed towards the future of its nation. Simultaneously,...
Comparison of primary education and English language teaching in Croatia and Norway
Comparison of primary education and English language teaching in Croatia and Norway
Ivona Starešinčić
English is one of the most important languages. We communicate through language more than any other media, which makes language our primary source of communication, with English earning a title of a global language through becoming a prioritized foreign language in schools (Crystal, 2003, p. 4). English language became the most common second language among the countries, as well as one of the most widely spoken official languages. According to Crystal (2003, pp. 11-13), there are many...
Croatian Translation of Michael Coleman's Internet Detectives - Net Bandits: A Look at Translation Strategies
Croatian Translation of Michael Coleman's Internet Detectives - Net Bandits: A Look at Translation Strategies
Ema Vikić - Topić
The aim of this graduation thesis is to give a detailed overview of translation strategies used by Zoran Vučić when translating Michael Coleman’s novel Internet Detectives: Net Bandits. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part the author of the novel and the novel are briefly addressed. After that, there is an overview of theoretical works explaining translation and classifications of translation strategies, consulting translation theory experts like Mona Baker, Roger T....
Crtačke i slikarske tehnike u dječjem vrtiću
Crtačke i slikarske tehnike u dječjem vrtiću
Tena Matijević
Ovaj se diplomski rad bavi likovnim tehnikama i njihovom podjelom na crtačke, slikarske, grafičke te tehnike prostorno-plastičkog oblikovanja. Međutim, naglasak je stavljen na crtačke i slikarske tehnike te njihovu primjenu u dječjim vrtićima diljem Republike Hrvatske. Podaci su potkrijepljeni istraživanjem, anketnim putem. Svi podaci su novi, relevantni i istiniti, a anketirani su odgojitelji i odgojiteljice iz različitih gradova i mjesta u Hrvatskoj. Anketa je izrađena u...
