Sažetak | Ovaj rad obrađuje Zbirku pjesama i ilustracija "Što sve", Nikoline Manojlović Vračar. Prije same razrade Zbirke "Što sve", rad govori o vremenu i području kojem pripada sama Zbirka, njenom nastanku i podjeli. Osim toga, razrađuje se poezija, naglašavajući najnoviju podjelu dječje poezije i poezije za mlade, poezija općenito, njezin nastanak i nastanak dječje poezije kojoj također pripada Zbirka pjesama. Osim poezije, rad govori o dijalektu i slengu, konkretno o kolokvijalizmu, bazirajući se na jezik, stil i dijalekt kojim je pisana Zbirka. Nadalje, opisuje se razumijevanje samog čitanja te odakle odraslima i djeci motivacija za čitanje radova (pa tako i zbirki pjesama) i koja je važnost čitanja djeci. Nakon toga rad kreće na razradu Zbirke Pjesama prvo se bazirajući na lik i djelo autorice Zbirke-Nikoline Manojlović Vračar, a zatim o koncepciji Zbirke, podjelom, njezinom glavnom tematikom, odnosno glagolima koji prožimaju cijelu Zbirku, doživljaju Zbirke i njezinoj namijenjenosti djeci. Oprimjeruje se raznolikost rime, način stihovanja i stvaranja ritma. Osim toga, razrađuju se i pjesničke slike kao i stilske figure uz mnogobrojne primjere i citate. Na samom kraju, rad se dotiče i ilustracija Zbirke koje je oslikala sama autorica, priloženo je nekoliko primjera te je objašnjeno što su ilustracije, gdje ih se može pronaći te kakve su. U radu je obrađen i način na koji se ilustracije autorice uklapaju u priču same Zbirke. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper is based on the Collection of Songs and Illustrations "What's All", by Nikolina Manojlović Vračar. Before the very elaboration of the collection "What All", the paper explains the time and the area in which the collection belongs, its origin and division. In addition, poetry is elaborated, highlighting the latest division of poetry and poetry for children, poetry in general, its emergence and the emergence of children's poetry, in which the Collection of Songs belongs as well. In addition to poetry, the paper deals with dialect and slang, specifically about colloquialism, based on language, style and dialect in which the Collection is written. Furthermore, the paper turns to the understanding of reading itself and the source of children's and adults' motivation to read literature works (e. g. the Collection of Songs) and also, the importance of reading to children. After that, the work proceeds to the elaboration of the Collection of Songs, first based on the life and work of the author of the Collection - Nikolina Manojlović Vračar, and then on the concept of the Collection, the division, its main theme, i. e. the verbs that pervade the whole Collection, experience the Collection and its purpose to children. The text of the Collection is elaborated according to the rhyme, the verse, and the strings, and their rules, and, in this way, gives a comparable number of examples. In addition, poetic images and stylistic figures are also elaborated with numerous examples and quotes. At the very end of the paper, the illustrations of the Collection, which were designed by the author herself, are enclosed with a few examples illustrating the illustrations, where they can be found, and how they fit into the story of the Collection itself. |